When I wave with a window, all other windows minimize to the taskbar, why?



Possible Duplicate:
How do I disable Aero Shake in Windows 7?

Sometimes, and I really don't know how to do it, when I grab an application in the window-bar and drag it around, as if I'm waving, then all other windows are minimized to the taskbar.

I have three questions:

  • how do I do this?
  • what's this feature called in Windows 7
  • how can I disable this Windows 7 feature?

I know I can undo it by hitting Ctrl+Shift+Winkey+M.


Posted 2011-11-02T15:40:39.203

Reputation: 1 280

Question was closed 2011-11-21T15:39:31.333

2Many people might not know that this feature is called “Aero Shake”—especially as the days when Aero was the new and popular thing to talk about have become history. I think this question is better than the one it is marked as a duplicate simply because it describes the issue in a way that one who doesn’t know the feature’s name can actually find it. – binki – 2018-06-11T21:33:10.050

Mine doesn't seem to do it anyways? W7 Pro :o – HaydnWVN – 2011-11-02T15:54:56.080


How to disable it was asked and answered on SuperUser back in 2009.

– JdeBP – 2011-11-02T18:25:11.790

@JdeBP - Indeed it is. Voting to close. (Why didn't you?) – Shinrai – 2011-11-03T14:14:13.907

1Because three minus one is not zero. – JdeBP – 2011-11-03T14:22:21.230



This feature is called Shake. Just wiggle a window vigorously to minimize all other windows. You can also just release the click on the window, then click again and waggle to undo this.

Disabling Shake entirely requires a registry edit:

  1. Browse to the following key:


    (the Explorer key may not be there by default, just create it)

  2. Make a 32-bit DWORD called "NoWindowMinimizingShortcuts".

  3. Set the value to 1.


Posted 2011-11-02T15:40:39.203

Reputation: 18 051

7In Windows 10 you need to create a 32-bit DWORD value called DisallowShaking in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced and set it to 1 – ntv1000 – 2015-08-15T15:07:23.027

So far I've been able to wiggle with my mouse, but I'm having trouble with the waggle. Is it all in the wrist, or do I need a touchscreen? – DavidS – 2016-03-12T02:15:16.733

2@ntv1000 's comment applies to Windows 7 also. – ashnazg – 2018-03-28T13:52:56.663

1This: click again and waggle to undo this, is worth one thousand upvotes! – Mhluzi Bhaka – 2018-11-01T17:26:01.483

I'd just add that personally I've done this by accident maybe once ever, so I don't see a need to disable it. It can come in handy. – Shinrai – 2011-11-02T15:49:39.613

2Apparently I have a shaky hand sometimes. When I try it on purpose, I don't manage to do it. But by accident, it happens, say, once a week or so, much to my surprise and annoyance (I like my messy overlaid windows on my big screens). – Abel – 2011-11-03T12:51:27.133


It most certainly is a 'feature' of Windows 7 and it's called 'Aero Shake', more details can be found here: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/products/features/shake

And what you are describing is exactly how it works. Grab the title bar of any window, give it a shake and everything else drops to the task bar.

To disable Shake you'll need to use either the Group Policy editor or do some registry tweaking as outlined here:


Moif Murphy

Posted 2011-11-02T15:40:39.203

Reputation: 1 192

If you could quote or place the instructions directly in your answer, that’d improve the quality of this answer.

– binki – 2018-06-11T21:36:31.383

1Didn't realize you could do this in gpedit, that's helpful. – Shinrai – 2011-11-02T15:57:16.173

Thanks, you both answered this thoroughly and it's good to know that GP editor can do this. – Abel – 2011-11-03T12:52:29.580