How to list all computers in a windows wi-fi network?



A wi-fi router has been setup with a number of windows machines connecting to it. How do I use windows command line to list all the computers (either by hostname or ipaddress) in the wi-fi network. OSs on the network are XP, Vista and 7.


Posted 2011-09-28T16:56:00.110

Reputation: 2 232



I have used following procedure:

  1. Open Run (⊞ Win+R)
  2. Type cmd and click OK.
  3. Ping the server if you know or your gateway. Even if there is requested timed out.
  4. Type the command arp -a.
  5. It will usually list down all the IP's and Computers with their Mac Addresses.

If you want to use a GUI tool. I recommend IPScan. Although it is a light application (433KB), it is freeware that's always worked for me.


Posted 2011-09-28T16:56:00.110

Reputation: 1 044

How do we ping the server with CMD? – Stevoisiak – 2018-01-18T15:46:58.273

@StevenVascellaro "ping" – Albin – 2018-10-07T10:56:15.273

I don't get it. Pt. #3 says ping server (in my case it's the wi-fi router ip). Did that. Pt. #4 says type "arp -a". Did that, but I get an error that arp is not a recognized command. – Thomas – 2011-09-28T17:07:00.687

Did you type without the quotes? Do it without the quotes – aibk01 – 2011-09-28T17:08:33.447

yup .. no quotes.... to confirm again .... I simply type "arp -a" (without quotes) .. into windows command line? – Thomas – 2011-09-28T17:10:42.587

Well works fine for me it actually the Address Routing Protocol command, why not use IPscan GUI ? – aibk01 – 2011-09-28T17:18:05.930

Well I think you are also using some WIFI encryption key on you network too. That usually prevents the command to execute – aibk01 – 2011-09-28T17:19:30.780

1ran arp -a in PowerShell. It worked. Ran windows command line as administrator and then arp -a. It worked. I was testing on a Windows Vista machine with UAC turned on; so running cmd as administrator was needed. Thanks for the great command. – Thomas – 2011-09-28T17:23:41.213

Well yea that is also one issue, I have been using CMD with Admin powers! So yea! No Problem – aibk01 – 2011-09-28T17:25:13.660


net view will probably show most of them.


Posted 2011-09-28T16:56:00.110

Reputation: 70 632

Is there any alternative to net view command, I got below error --

C:\Users\vipin>net view System error 53 has occurred.

The network path was not found. – VIPIN KUMAR – 2017-01-12T13:44:12.040

... does net view require any folders to be shared on the other PCs in the network? ... I tried it and it lists only my PC as \\<PC NAME> – Thomas – 2011-09-28T17:08:54.820

But it will only list the names, not the IP and Mac addresses but it works. Good answer – aibk01 – 2011-09-28T17:09:23.167