Microsoft Word clears clipboard data when it closes


When I copy information from a document (just some text) out of Microsoft Word, then close the document and re-open it, the clipboard data is gone.

What is happening here, and how can I stop Microsoft Word from messing with my clipboard data?

Steps to Reproduce:

  • With an existing Word document, mark it as Read-only on Windows.
  • Open Word.
  • Make a modification. Copy some text.
  • Attempt to save. The "Save As..." dialog appears because the file is read-only.
  • Do not save. Press Cancel instead.
  • Close Word.
  • Mark the file as not Read-only.
  • Open the document again.
  • Try to paste.

When you try to paste, nothing happens, the clipboard was cleared.


Posted 2011-09-15T15:58:05.387

Reputation: 261

What version of Word and Windows are you using? – Chris – 2011-09-16T15:39:22.307

Windows 7 Pro 32-bit, Office 2010. – qJake – 2011-09-16T17:38:55.273



Per Microsoft,the clipboard data is not cleared. I know you do get a prompt if you have large amounts of data in the clipboard, but I do not know of a way to automatically clear the clipboard on exit.

My guess is this is a third party program.

Or perhaps you can provide a specific example.


Posted 2011-09-15T15:58:05.387

Reputation: 21 453

I added reproduction steps. The Read-only property is because I'm dealing with documents coming from SharePoint, which are sometimes marked as Read-only. – qJake – 2011-09-16T15:37:44.503

Odd, mine worked just fine. . . but I was using a local document. – surfasb – 2011-09-17T00:06:06.723