When connecting through mobile broadband from Windows 7 a new network type appears


Whenever I connect through mobile broadband inside my modem in Windows 7, the dialog

Define Network Type

appears, showing a new network name (which is the carrier) appended with an incremental number. How do I delete the old connections and stop showing the Define Network Type for this 3G connection only? I searched in registry but no entry matches the network name.

Also, if I run ipconfig I receive a lot of disconnected isatap entries.


Posted 2011-09-02T21:03:11.193

Reputation: 121

Tangentially germane: I have hundreds of those entries on one of my test XP rigs but they increment only when I insert a new device, not when I'm inserting a previously installed device. – goblinbox – 2012-02-09T21:19:41.837

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