Lock my current IP address


How can i lock my current IP address?

the LAN IP address is the 192.********. I know that, but i want to lock up my IP address which i found on the http://whatismyipaddress.com/, which is something like this 115.*********

because right now my client are using my IP address to give me the access to their server and my IP address keep on changing everytime i restart my router (because i need to)

Help please help!

Aman Ruzaini

Posted 2011-07-27T16:40:03.387


7Contact your ISP. – SLaks – 2011-07-27T16:41:38.660



You need to ask your ISP for a static IP address.
They are likely to charge extra for it.

Alternatively, you could use a dynamic DNS provider, such as No-IP, which will give you a domain name that always resolves to your IP address.


Posted 2011-07-27T16:40:03.387

Reputation: 7 596

The problem is that most programs use reverse DNS for checking the access list, and changing it requires a static address too. – user1686 – 2011-07-27T16:46:36.400

2The chances are virtually nil that he needs to worry about a PTR record. It is almost certainly that the company's firewall just restricts connections to a specific IP. I have never heard of a firewall checking a PTR record (reverse DNS) in this case. – KCotreau – 2011-07-27T17:00:48.367

PTR records are typically only necessary for mail servers. – MaQleod – 2011-07-27T23:05:31.580