Cannot Access Website First Time Through Router And Later It Seems To Forget Routing Table


Possible Duplicate:
Cannot Resolve Host Or Access Website Through Router

Would be helpful to those who are willing to help with this one. I evaluated the problem and it is for computer networker and router and modem specialist more like.

I first posted about problem here.

Additional problems that i noticed is that when i access website first, it tells me internet address not found and after several moments i can access website. After maybe 30 minutes or 1 hour if i try to access same website again, i get former error.

There is a problem also when webpage loads only partially and has a messed up structure:

this image

It was rarely previously i was getting this because i connected directly to modem but now it occurs more frequently.

I tried doing what was suggested in this post and it did not do anything. I tried with Edimax and 3Com routers and they just can't forget routing table both, right? They must be technically fine i think. Also i updated to latest drivers both, disabled firewall, protected with WPA etc. Also when happened that i could not connect to website, i "repaired windows connection" and then website loaded, but i think it wasn't because i repaired but due to fact that as i mentioned earlier that after first attempt connecting, after several moments website loads.

Guys, i almost ran out of ideas and final idea i thought of is to buy somekind of splitter to divide bandwidth between laptop (LAN) and wireless router (LAN) like HUB/Router/Switch?

What would you recommend?


Posted 2011-07-07T16:22:39.447

Reputation: 5 238

Question was closed 2011-09-17T03:27:56.953

Please don't ask a new question if you have new info. Just edit the old one. – nhinkle – 2011-09-17T03:27:01.887

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