Changing behaviour of the *scratch* buffer in Aquamacs


In Emacs, the scratch buffer is sort of special. It is intended to contain stuff that you don't want to save. In Aquamacs, it is treated as a normal buffer, so that if I close it, Aquamacs will ask me if I want to discard my changes and so forth.

How can I set the scratch buffer to behave like in the traditional emacs?

Roberto Aloi

Posted 2011-06-17T09:55:25.760

Reputation: 1 133



This is controlled via Customisation

Choose Aquamacs->Preferences

Then in Aquamacs choose the Aquamacs group and then look at Aquamacs Scratch File. The value is

File name to save the scratch file. Set to nil to not save it.


Posted 2011-06-17T09:55:25.760

Reputation: 5 312