Is it possible to backup shell folders in XP with VB or WSH script?


I would like to backup shell folders on my XP machine. It is useful for me because when I reinstall XP I can just restore those backed up shell folders.

Can you guys get me started or point me in the right direction?

' Author:
' This script backs up shell folders.
' Source:
' Destination:
'Rev #          Changes
'1.0            started


dim filesys
dim source
dim destination

source="C:\Documents and Settings"
destination="C:\Temp"    'will change in future revisions

set filesys=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

if filesys.FolderExists(source) Then
    filesys.MoveFolder source, destination
    MsgBox("Folder Moved")
End if


Posted 2011-05-27T19:47:42.797

Reputation: 206

You can use any type of scripting you'd like. Where exactly do you want to back up the folders to? secondary HD, network share, ftp site? – MaQleod – 2011-05-27T20:56:32.837

to a partition. I want something to get started with. I have started the script in my edited question – rashid – 2011-05-27T21:11:38.260



An example of a simple batch script to copy your My Documents folder to a folder on another drive/partition

@echo off

if not exist "S:\backup" mkdir "S:\backup"

xcopy "%userprofile%\My Documents" "S:\backup" /e /v /c /h /r /y


Posted 2011-05-27T19:47:42.797

Reputation: 12 560

will it also backup shell files on a network drive if i just specify "F:\backup" etc. Thank you. – rashid – 2011-05-27T21:49:24.580


You may have better luck using the SpecialFolders (Described Here) than hard coding your path to the source folder since the OS will manage locating the actual folders, which might not be at C:\Documents and Settings or any such location.


Posted 2011-05-27T19:47:42.797

Reputation: 344