How do you restart X11/gdm in Fedora


What is the equivalent of /etc/init.d/gdm resart in Fedora? What is the proper way to restart X11 and the desktop manager.

Evan Carroll

Posted 2011-05-23T21:37:48.600

Reputation: 1



You can enable CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE to restart X11 like (if that isn't already turned on):

  1. Open the Keyboard Preferences dialog either by choosing System > Preferences > Keyboard from the Fedora Main Menu or by running the following command from a terminal:


  2. In the Keyboard Preferences dialog, choose the Layouts tab (labeled 1 in the screenshot below) and press the Layout Options button (labeled 2 in the screenshot below) to bring up the Keyboard Layout Options dialog.

    enter image description here

  3. In the Keyboard Layout Options dialog, unfold the tree item “Key sequence to kill the X server” (labeled 3 in the screenshot below), and mark the checkbox “Control + Alt + Backspace” (labeled 4 in the screenshot below)

    enter image description here


Posted 2011-05-23T21:37:48.600

Reputation: 2 400

No thanks; The blog post is down so this doesn't help at all. – Martin Bories – 2013-09-29T09:40:21.207

1I added the information from that blogpost. – wullxz – 2013-10-01T21:58:28.060