ActiveSync, sunchronize "storage card" folder with PC


I have a Pidion 5000 mobile device. Is it possible to synchronize storage card (ProgramStore folder) with a desktop folder?

Desktop: Windows XP (Home Edition)
Pidion: Windows Mobile 6 (Classic)

Nick Dandoulakis

Posted 2009-08-24T10:11:07.150

Reputation: 403



If you connect your device using mass storage connection, which can be found in settings/connections/usb to pc .... then sync toy can map any of your folder location on storage card and sync files....tested on HTC touch2 phones.


Posted 2009-08-24T10:11:07.150

Reputation: 11


I have no idea about that device, but if you can put the storage card directly in your pc or map it as a drive in any way - or even through the device, it is visible as a folder, you could use standard sync tools such as Microsoft Sync Toy which I know works very well.

William Hilsum

Posted 2009-08-24T10:11:07.150

Reputation: 111 572

I can open the mobile folder with windows explorer but not with Sync Toy. Sync Toy seems great, though. – Nick Dandoulakis – 2009-08-24T10:47:47.937


Not sure how that mobile device works, but if it is just a regular memory card like SD or CompactFlash, you could maybe try to use Robocopy and auto-run or something? Create a command that does the sync you need, put it in a batch file and put it on the card. Then create an auto-run file that starts the batch file whenever the memory card is connected to the computer.

If the Pidion can run robocopy and access a shared network folder on your desktop, you could also maybe just create a batch file that does the sync directly.


Posted 2009-08-24T10:11:07.150

Reputation: 27 731


If you connect your mobile device your storage card is assigned a Drive letter

You can then set up either Sync Toy as Wil suggested, but I think SyncBack is a little better (as in more advanced settings without getting in the way).

Follow this guide to set it up if you want it to sync both ways

Ivo Flipse

Posted 2009-08-24T10:11:07.150

Reputation: 24 054

Unfortunately, that storage card doesn't get a drive letter. – Nick Dandoulakis – 2009-08-24T10:49:35.810

Are you able to find it with Explorer? – Ivo Flipse – 2009-08-24T11:10:38.170

I can open it with windows file explorer. – Nick Dandoulakis – 2009-08-24T11:23:14.400

I can access the device (it's on the drives tree) as "Mobile Device". – Nick Dandoulakis – 2009-08-24T11:25:25.037

It must have an address, SyncBack can also locate network drives, perhaps it can be recognized as such? – Ivo Flipse – 2009-08-24T11:33:47.780

If it doesn't work, I guess it's too much trouble to put your card in a card reader? I can't find any (good) freeware programs that do syncing with a WinMo device part from ActiveSync – Ivo Flipse – 2009-08-24T11:41:27.763