Can't browse windows network from OSX


Here's the situation:

I've got a Windows PC (running Win 7) that I want to be able to see from my Mac (running Snow Leopard). I've been through all the tutorials about how to get it working, and I can successfully connect via "cmd-k".

However the windows PC is not automatically appearing in Finder as it should, and hence I'm not able to add a printer shared from that computer.


What I've Tried:

I'm fairly certain that all of the settings are OK on my Mac - I've taken it to a friend's place where it works as expected - so I'm assuming it's something to do with the settings on the windows PC. I can see it via the cmd-k option, so it's connecting ok - it's just not finding the Windows PC automatically like it should.

I've tried turning off antivirus, making sure bonjour is installed etc - what might I be missing? Also are there any tests I could run to help locate the issue?


Thanks - any help is much appreciated!

Jordan Smith

Posted 2011-05-18T11:52:18.147

Reputation: 111

To me the Finder sidebar also seems like a very unreliable way to locate network shares. My Windows 7 machine also doesn't show up most of the time. I couldn't really find out what causes it (yet). Once connected, can you access its shares through the sidebar though? – slhck – 2011-05-18T12:11:50.407

Yes - it stays there just like a flash drive would. I don't mind that so much, the issue is more that I can't add a printer shared from the windows PC until the windows PC is connected 'properly' (and is recognized by the printer setup utility as a networked windows PC) – Jordan Smith – 2011-05-18T12:19:30.120

Hm, maybe let's try to get some more information about the Windows share. I don't know if it's of any good use, but it's good to have as many diagnostics as possible. Try to run smbclient -L <host> -U <user> -d=3 from the Terminal, where <host> is the Windows hostname and <user> is the user name by which you connect (or "guest) – then edit your question and add this information. It doesn't hurt to have. – slhck – 2011-05-18T13:35:36.877

Check the windows naming daemon log on OS X, /private//var/log/samba/log.nmbd (viewable in the Console utility if you show the Log List sidebar), and see if it looks any different when joining/using your net vs. your friend's. Also, check the workgroup name of your Mac (in the Network preferences) vs. that of the PCs involved. – Gordon Davisson – 2011-05-18T16:06:11.867

Thanks, I'll try both these things when I get home tonight - hopefully something from the stats/logs should point to where the problem is. I've already made sure that the workgroup names are the same. – Jordan Smith – 2011-05-19T02:34:10.960

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