How do I setup Remote Desktop using DDNS service connecting through Vonage Device into Dlink DIR-615?


I am attempting to setup remote-desktop such that I can connect to my home PC using Windows Remote Desktop software. I have the following setup:

Cable Modem (Motorola SB 5101).
Cable Modem connects into Vonage Device (Motorola VT2142-VD)
Vonage Device connects into D-Link wireless router (DLink DIR-615 rev C)
Home-PC connects into D-Link router via Ethernet cable

I followed the instruction on for both devices but it doesn't seem like it's working. I've scoured the internet and haven't found anything that might solve what I'm attempting to do. I have setup a "free" ddns system via the extension, and can now

Last note: I have Windows 7 (Ultimate) running on Home PC running on (static assignment). I have enabled RDP in the System Settings, what I'm having difficulty is connecting to the RDP when I use the service. Any help/direction would greatly be appreciated!


Posted 2011-05-03T02:27:35.153

Reputation: 111

What I would recommend is to flash your DIR-615 with DD-WRT which has VPN option. Set that up, you can find tutorials on DD-WRT webpage. Once you VPN you then can safely (safer than just RDP) connect to your machine. – Darius – 2011-05-03T03:01:28.433

What happens if you put actual IP address into RDP? – Darius – 2011-05-03T03:02:20.163

Using another computer in the LAN, I've verified that the RDP successfully connects to my machine with the login credentials I provide. Thusly, when I type in from the non-host machine (both connected to LAN), I get RDP working properly. – Magnum – 2011-05-03T05:06:24.517



First test RDP locally to make sure it works. If you can't from one computer to another on your LAN, it isn't going to work over the internet. Once you know it works, you can verify your port forward settings. This can be difficult depending on the hardware you must traverse and what is setup for NAT. Is your cable modem bridged or is there NAT? If it has NAT enabled, do you have access and if so, have you verified you are forwarding on the correct port from the WAN of the modem to the LAN IP that you are using for the WAN of the Vonage device. Same concept with the Vonage device. Basically everything that has NAT has to point to the WAN of the next device. Without knowing exactly how your addressing looks, here is a possible setup:

Cable Modem WAN IP Port forward on NAT from to (LAN IP of Modem is

Vonage Device WAN IP Port forward on NAT from to (LAN IP of Vonage device is

DLink Router Port forward on NAT from to (LAN IP of router is

Computer RDP running on port 3389 with host address of


Posted 2011-05-03T02:27:35.153

Reputation: 12 560

Sorry I can't upvote your answer. In any regards, you've pointed me in the right direction. I am attempting to figure out how to port-forward from my surfboard 5101 to my Vonage device... but I think that's the only hold up now. – Magnum – 2011-05-03T06:08:06.567


If you are having trouble with RDP, place your PC in the Modem or Router's DMZ and see if you can connect. This was a nasty problem for RDP and RWW users of SBS 2003. For diagnostics, you can use a port scanner: to help.

For full SBS 2003 all these ports needed to be open. Try opening them all to make sure your Modem / Router is actually mapping the ports properly as not all do.

SMTP  25
HTTP  80
SSL   443
HTTP2 444
PPTP  1723
RDP   3389 
RWW   4125

If you are successful then close the ports you do not need.

You will find more help if you search for RDP and RWW for Small Business Server (SBS 2003, 2008, 2011).

Paul Wolfson

Posted 2011-05-03T02:27:35.153

Reputation: 1