Two different Windows installations running the same colorscheme, different results


I recently copied over my Vim settings to a new Windows computer.

I use a tweaked version of the molokai vim theme that I named "molokai-mine". Here's what it should look like:

On my new computer, however, this is what it looks like:

What gives?

Matt Alexander

Posted 14 years ago

Reputation: 749

I'm sure you have already verified that they are actually running the same colorscheme, but I'd still recommend double checking by doing ":colorscheme" on both machines. – Heptite – 14 years ago



First of all check your screen setting - aren't you using 256 colors on the second machine? Also check the monitor settings.

Then issue :colo vim command and it should read the same value.

Then compare both files using diff. They should be same.


Posted 14 years ago

Reputation: 782