Vim on Solaris. Coloured syntax highlighting?


I spend a lot of my time in vim, usually on some sort of debian/ubuntu OS. I've recently started playing with a Solaris 11 Express server and wondered if it's possible to enable coloured syntax-highlighting in vim.

I've copied a lot of my vimrc and .bashrc settings over from Ubuntu, and it works mostly how I like it. However, syntax highlighting on Solaris remains an odd sort of greyscale, rather than coloured.

The compile options in vim --version on both instances look to be similar, and the vimrc files are similar between both.

Is there anything I need configure or add to my installation to enable coloured syntax-highlighting?


Posted 2011-04-26T09:31:33.500

Reputation: 2 371



Try setting your TERM environment variable to something else that supports more colors. I don't currently have access to a solaris host, but I think xtermc may be supported.


Posted 2011-04-26T09:31:33.500

Reputation: 596

I had a similar problem, and wow, INSTANT fix. Thank you. – Dave Jacoby – 2011-04-26T12:59:14.873