Mac as proxy for ubuntu


I have an ubuntu pc (ip: set up which should be connecting through a switch to my iMac(ip: in order to gain internet access. The iMac has "share internet connection" turned on. I've added the iMac ip in the gateway, DNS and search domain field in the configuration for the eth0 on the ubuntu pc. I also added the iMacs's ip as proxy for all services. I can ping each other pc/Mac, but the only thing my ubuntu pc gets, when calling any URL is my addressbook server web admin page.

Any idea what I've done wrong or how to set this up the right way.

Benedikt Wutzi

Posted 2011-04-18T14:49:21.030

Reputation: 121

Can you ping external IP addresses? Like Google DNS one: ? – Mr Shunz – 2011-04-18T15:34:30.927

no i can't just tried it – Benedikt Wutzi – 2011-04-18T15:39:56.003



You could try running an SSH SOCKS proxy. To enable the Mac to be an SSH server, you'd need to go to System Preferences -> Sharing, and enable Remote Logins. From an Ubuntu terminal, you'd type in ssh -ND 9999 you@ From there, you can use with port 9999 as a proxy on your Ubuntu machine.


Posted 2011-04-18T14:49:21.030

Reputation: 2 694

ok just did that. now i can ping google, but firefox gives me a blank screen. Also apt-get update doesn't get any connection – Benedikt Wutzi – 2011-04-18T15:44:21.460

Did you change the proxy settings on Firefox? – ephilip – 2011-04-18T16:46:01.923

i did, but that wouldn't explain why apt-get can't update. I also tried to telnet to google, but i got a time out – Benedikt Wutzi – 2011-04-18T17:12:45.640

Hmmm. I don't see why that wouldn't work, but I think a SOCKS proxy is probably the best way to do this. – ephilip – 2011-04-18T19:45:15.963

Well if it worked it would be pretty cool… but thanks for the idea – Benedikt Wutzi – 2011-04-20T15:39:55.930