How to download files from command line in Windows like wget or curl



How can I download something from the web directly without Internet Explorer or Firefox opening Acrobat Reader/Quicktime/MS Word/whatever?

I'm using Windows, so a Windows version of Wget would do.

Paolo Tedesco

Posted 2009-08-19T11:40:48.510

Reputation: 1 539

4How do you download with MS Word? – Jaime Hablutzel – 2014-08-20T12:16:47.270

5@JaimeHablutzel Why would you ever want to download something via MS Word? MS Word is not a terminal. – Braden Best – 2015-05-14T20:53:39.613

@B1KMusic look at the original question, I was having the same doubt as you – Jaime Hablutzel – 2015-05-15T00:28:51.853

if a popup dialog for destination/open is ok that comes from the "auto-open-closed" Internet Explorer you could use "%programfiles%/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe" (should work on many systems) – Andreas Dietrich – 2016-05-23T06:44:49.153

It's 2016 - make sure you scroll down to the answers that say "Powershell". (Exactly the built-in solution you want when you're IE-restricted and you're trying to avoid installing random stuff on a client's servers...) – mwardm – 2016-09-07T16:22:03.480

Here is a good article on using curl in PowerShell:

– SDsolar – 2017-10-16T03:12:33.280


@SDsolar Or just upvote/improve this answer below.

– Franklin Yu – 2017-11-13T19:32:06.247

Roger that. I did so, with complete instructions that will work with any modern version of Windows - no additions or modifications are required. – SDsolar – 2017-11-15T18:43:33.247

Just right clicking a file and hitting "Save Target As" or "Save Link As" or "Save As" (language varies depending on your browser) will work. – BrainSlugs83 – 2012-10-22T05:53:32.677

25The point of having a command is being able to write a batch file and run it (perhaps scheduled as a task) anytime you want. That's where the GUI falls short. – Jbm – 2012-11-15T14:11:41.877



Wget for Windows should work.

From the Wget Wiki FAQ:

GNU Wget is a free network utility to retrieve files from the World Wide Web using HTTP and FTP, the two most widely used Internet protocols. It works non-interactively, thus enabling work in the background, after having logged off.

From this section of FAQ, download links are suggested:

Windows Binaries

Link with courtesy of Jernej Simončič is used instead.


Posted 2009-08-19T11:40:48.510

Reputation: 1 156


More recent, even up-to-date (as of today) Windows builds, provided by Jernej Simončič

– Gras Double – 2015-02-16T19:37:35.140

@VitoShadow broken link – The Red Pea – 2015-06-14T15:09:59.150

Sorry, can no longer trust source forge downloads

– cixelsyd – 2015-11-13T18:14:44.770

1@cixelsyd Updated link to alternative source. – None – 2015-11-21T11:11:42.017

wget --no-check-certificate -O outputfile.html to get around https issues. – kayleeFrye_onDeck – 2016-11-15T05:33:39.003

There is no need to download anything. See below for instructions on how to make this work in native PowerShell.

– SDsolar – 2017-11-15T18:44:47.857 is flagged by enterprise antivirus on my system. Carbon Black / Bit 9. Probably false positive. But sourceforge one runs. Does not support sslv3. – TamusJRoyce – 2018-01-12T05:22:21.390


There's also Winwget if you prefer a gui

– Col – 2009-08-19T11:47:17.810


The standalone version is downloadable from this link.

– Vito Gentile – 2014-02-24T11:19:08.900


An alternative I discovered recently, using PowerShell:

$client = new-object System.Net.WebClient

It works as well with GET queries.

If you need to specify credentials to download the file, add the following line in between:

$client.Credentials =  Get-Credential                

A standard windows credentials prompt will pop up. The credentials you enter there will be used to download the file. You only need to do this once for all the time you will be using the $client object.

Paolo Tedesco

Posted 2009-08-19T11:40:48.510

Reputation: 1 539

What if you need authentication for an https site AND you are behind a proxy? – opticyclic – 2014-11-26T19:10:22.587

Is there an option to see the progress of the download? – Devesh Khandelwal – 2015-12-12T20:08:15.780

2I'm not sure if this changed in some version of Powershell, but you can not specify a path for the second parameter of DownloadFile (you can only specify a filename). So if the above doesnt work for you, try: (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('‌​txt','file.tx‌​t') – n00b – 2017-12-15T02:07:53.373

1Wget is build into powershell, useless. – Pedro Lobito – 2018-10-28T19:47:03.330

// , To my surprise, wget is built into PowerShell. But I'm pretty sure it doesn't work the same as in Linux. – Nathan Basanese – 2018-10-30T18:50:42.383

wget in PowerShell is an alias for Invoke-WebRequest. Try running Get-Alias wget... – Paolo Tedesco – 2018-10-31T10:19:30.210

baby this is what I came for – Thecarisma – 2019-05-06T08:25:47.837

Simpy use in PowerShell wget -OutFile myurl-result.html – Ton Snoei – 2020-02-11T07:25:22.900

93You can also do it in one-line: (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','C:\tmp\file.txt') – schellack – 2011-10-14T20:32:19.220

That would be nothing like wget at all if only for the fact you have to install another large program just to use it. – Rob – 2012-12-14T03:07:54.997

16@Rob powershell is built in to Windows... – nhinkle – 2012-12-14T04:22:18.583

10From Vista up, yes. – Arran – 2012-12-19T12:44:00.230

1Re @Arran: "From Vista up, yes" -- so... for the last six years (going on 7 now), yes, this has been built into Windows. – BrainSlugs83 – 2013-05-07T02:40:26.050

3@BrainSlugs83, absolutely, but many, many, people are still using XP. It's merely something to bear in mind. – Arran – 2013-05-07T08:08:29.397

4@BrainSlugs83, you underestimate the amount of people still on older Windows systems. I don't understand the issue, I pointed out it's only on Vista upwards. People can choose to ignore it, or say "hey thanks!", but you....? If you have an issue, create a chat and we can talk. Someone with rep (like you) should realise here is not the place for this discussion. – Arran – 2013-06-04T21:17:23.777

2I'm just pointing out the clarification is a bit silly as it's been built into windows as long as it has existed -- and all currently supported versions of Windows have it built in. Nothing further. – BrainSlugs83 – 2013-06-07T03:12:22.647


If you have PowerShell >= 3.0, you can use Invoke-WebRequest

Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile index.html

Or golfed

iwr -outf index.html

Download a file via HTTP in Windows

Steven Penny

Posted 2009-08-19T11:40:48.510

Reputation: 7 294

This doesn't work with redirects on sourceforge (and possibly other sites), as opposed to System.Net.WebClient. However you can make Invoke-WebRequest work by adding -UserAgent [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::FireFox. – Ela782 – 2016-01-07T12:22:33.643

Is there an option to see the progress of the download? – Franklin Yu – 2017-11-13T19:24:33.563

@FranklinYu the progress will show if the file is large enough – Steven Penny – 2017-11-13T19:55:47.753

Is there an option to not specify an outfile, but still save (like wget or curl -O, curl --remote-name or curl -J?) – Tomasz Gandor – 2019-05-09T09:36:12.963


Windows has its own command line download utility - BITSAdmin:

BITSAdmin is a command-line tool that you can use to create download or upload jobs and monitor their progress.

EDIT: 26.01.15 - Here's my overview of how a file can be downloaded on windows without external tools

And a complete bitsadmin example:

bitsadmin /transfer myDownloadJob /download /priority normal http://downloadsrv/ c:\

Edit : 15.05.2018 - turned out that's possible to download a file with certutil too:

certutil.exe -urlcache -split -f ""

Certutil is not installed by default on XP/Win2003 but is avaialble on the newer windows versions.For XP/2003 you'll need the Admin Tool Pack for windows server 2003


Posted 2009-08-19T11:40:48.510

Reputation: 887

4Unable to add file - 0x80070057 – Tomáš Zato - Reinstate Monica – 2016-04-26T17:55:58.073

Thank you for providing a native solution. Obviously wget is "like" wget... – p_q – 2018-09-12T00:29:15.207

1I think you can not use relative paths, fx "", you must use absolute paths like "C:\Users\jdoe\". Otherwise you get "Unable to add file - 0x80070057 - The parameter is incorrect". – Mads Skjern – 2018-10-02T08:12:39.623

1@MadsSkjern - yes with bitsadmin you cannot use relative paths. One workarround is to add %cd% to target location if you want to be relative to the current location. – npocmaka – 2018-10-02T09:28:26.337

7Interesting. That is one clumsy piece of software compared to wget. – Matt H – 2012-03-28T21:36:28.967

2Note that It doesn't ship with Windows XP, and maybe not with other versions either. – Ian Dunn – 2012-05-22T23:06:24.517

12Update: BITSAdmin is deprecated and is not guaranteed to be available in future versions of Windows. Administrative tools for the BITS service are now provided by BITS PowerShell cmdlets. – nulldev07 – 2012-09-28T05:49:16.250


@MattH: because it's nto suppsoed to be wget in the first place? - see

– peterchen – 2013-09-27T12:17:48.500


Save the following text as wget.js and simply call

cscript /nologo wget.js

This is the code:

var WinHttpReq = new ActiveXObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1");
WinHttpReq.Open("GET", WScript.Arguments(0), /*async=*/false);

/* To save a binary file use this code instead of previous line
BinStream = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream");
BinStream.Type = 1;


Posted 2009-08-19T11:40:48.510

Reputation: 51

1Useful for single files. Needs enhancing for recursive download and https. – opticyclic – 2014-11-26T19:07:33.923

4@G-. I'm late to the party, but that's JavaScript. – prooffreader – 2015-10-21T20:52:33.730

I tried to do that for, but it downloaded only 88kB of 44MB :(

– kokbira – 2017-10-10T16:27:52.323

What language is this script in?Looks useful to my current task. I'd like to find more reference documentation. Doesn't look quite like vb – G-. – 2014-05-30T14:54:28.730


There is a native cURL for Windows available here. There are many flavors available- with and without SSL support.

You don't need the extra baggage of Cygwin and the likes, just one small EXE file.

It is also important to know that there are both wget and curl aliases built into all modern versions of Windows Powershell. They are equivalent.

No extra files or downloads are required to obtain wget functionality:

Using Curl In Powershell (The Sociable Geek)


You can type in a cURL command like one that downloads a file from a GitHub repository.


and it will seem like it works but what it is actually doing is just using cURL as an alias. In the above instance, what will happen is that you will just get the headers instead of the file itself.

Aliases in PowerShell allow you to create shortcuts for longer commands so you don’t have to type them out all of the time.

If you type in the command Get-Alias, it will give you a list of all the Aliases that are used in PowerShell. As you can see, the curl command just calls the Invoke-WebRequest command. They are similar but not the same which is why the above request does not work for us.

enter image description here

To get this to work properly in PowerShell the easiest way is to use variables and the -OutFile argument as shown here:

enter image description here

(file name cut off in image “”)

This syntax will download the full contents of the target file azuredeploy.json to the local file newfile.json

The primary advantage is that it is built into Powershell itself so this code will execute directly with no downloads or any other extra file creations are required to make it work on any modern version of Windows.

Gaurav Kumar

Posted 2009-08-19T11:40:48.510

Reputation: 296

This be done directly on one line, but the line gets pretty long and is not as immediately readable at a glance. – SDsolar – 2017-11-15T18:48:31.250


I made a quick myGet.bat file which calls the PowerShell method described above.

@Echo OFF
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Set Var=%1
Set Var=!Var:http://=!
Set Var=!Var:/=,!
Set Var=!Var:%%20=?!
Set Var=!Var: =?!
Call :LOOP !var!
Echo.Downloading: %1 to %~p0!FN!
powershell.exe -Command (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%1','%~p0!FN!')
If "%1"=="" GoTo :EOF
Set FN=%1
Set FN=!FN:?= !

I borrowed some code from Parsing URL for filename with space.


Posted 2009-08-19T11:40:48.510

Reputation: 171

Wouldn't it be easier to just write a PowerShell script??? – SamB – 2019-02-26T23:12:40.473

1powershell.exe -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile ./file-name https://location/file-name" <-- Simple one line powershell usage in script file hard coding location and file name. – James Eby – 2019-06-20T20:58:25.927

1why the downvote? this looks okay to me and is a direct response to the question. Yes it's clunky and could use improvement, like escaping ampersands (&) in the url, but it works as is. – matt wilkie – 2013-04-24T05:02:37.210


I was searching for the same, and since I had no privilege to install any of the above packages, I went for a small workaround (to download 30+files):

  • I created a batch file
  • Listed all the files
  • Put firefox.exe at the beginning of each line
  • Went to the firefox directory in Program Files
  • Ran it.

Jesse P Francis

Posted 2009-08-19T11:40:48.510

Reputation: 141


You could also use the wget packaged in PowerShell. ;^) To open, hit the Windows key and type "powershell" or Windows-R and type "powershell" and hit return.

No installation necessary.

One interesting difference from conventional wget (more at that link): You can't simply use the greater-than to pipe to a file. wget in PowerShell is just a convenience wrapper for Invoke-WebRequest, and you need to use its syntax to write to a file.

wget -OutFile rubySlippers.html


Posted 2009-08-19T11:40:48.510

Reputation: 1 597

1-OutFile did the job! – Dimitry K – 2017-11-15T15:59:31.823


If PowerShell is an option, that's the preferred route, since you (potentially) won't have to install anything extra:

(new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', 'C:\tmp\file.tx??t')

Failing that, Wget for Windows, as others have pointed out is definitely the second best option. As posted in another answer it looks like you can download Wget all by itself, or you can grab it as a part of Cygwin or MSys.

If for some reason, you find yourself stuck in a time warp, using a machine that doesn't have PowerShell and you have zero access to a working web browser (that is, Internet Explorer is the only browser on the system, and its settings are corrupt), and your file is on an FTP site (as opposed to HTTP):

start->run "FTP", press "OK".

If memory serves it's been there since Windows 98, and I can confirm that it is still there in Windows 8 RTM (you might have to go into appwiz.cpl and add/remove features to get it). This utility can both download and upload files to/from FTP sites on the web. It can also be used in scripts to automate either operation.

This tool being built-in has been a real life saver for me in the past, especially in the days of -- I downloaded Firefox that way once, on a completely broken machine that had only a dial-up Internet connection (back when sneakernet's maximum packet size was still 1.44 MB, and Firefox was still called "Netscape" /me does trollface).

A couple of tips: it's its own command processor, and it has its own syntax. Try typing "help". All FTP sites require a username and password; but if they allow "anonymous" users, the username is "anonymous" and the password is your email address (you can make one up if you don't want to be tracked, but usually there is some kind of logic to make sure it's a valid email address).


Posted 2009-08-19T11:40:48.510

Reputation: 142

The other powershell answers I saw were all multi-liners and/or had some code smell to them -- this is a short & simple one liner to download a file. -- Also I wanted to provide an answer that covered all the bases. :-) – BrainSlugs83 – 2016-01-12T00:20:24.103

1I'm not sure why you have two question marks in the destination file C:\tmp\file.tx??t – Ploni – 2018-02-07T23:44:34.483

+1 for thinking of command line ftp! However wget and powershell were both mentioned well before you joined the party, so -1 there. :-/ – matt wilkie – 2013-04-24T05:08:41.877


Search for /download function on

Right now there are Bitsadmin.exe, Certutil.exe, Esentutl.exe, Expand.exe, Extrac32.exe, Findstr.exe, Hh.exe, Ieexec.exe, Makecab.exe, Replace.exe for Windows vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and the equivalent Server versions.


Posted 2009-08-19T11:40:48.510

Reputation: 244


Cygwin has Wget (and many more utilities).

Rich Homolka

Posted 2009-08-19T11:40:48.510

Reputation: 27 121


And has a nice GUI (and it's free), for mirroring sites. It also has a Linux version.

Zsolt Botykai

Posted 2009-08-19T11:40:48.510

Reputation: 627


I think installing wget via Chocolatey is the easiest way.

  1. Install Chocolatey
  2. From the command-line, type: choco install wget
  3. You can then use wget from the command line like on *nix systems.


Posted 2009-08-19T11:40:48.510

Reputation: 2 875


You can get WGet for Windows here. Alternatively you can right click on the download link of the item you want to download and choose Save As. This will download the file and not open it in the assigned application.


Posted 2009-08-19T11:40:48.510

Reputation: 19 955


As documented in this SU answer, you can use the following in Powershell:

Import-Module bitstransfer
start-bitstransfer -source http://something/something.ext -destination c:\something.ext

Dolan Antenucci

Posted 2009-08-19T11:40:48.510

Reputation: 357


If you want a GUI, then try VisualWget, which is actually clean, and feature full. It is based on GNU Wget for its download engine.

EDIT: updated link.


Posted 2009-08-19T11:40:48.510

Reputation: 19


here is an updated link: (the downloads are at the bottom of the page, use the little arrows on the right)

– Reed Hedges – 2012-05-13T12:43:35.770


An alternative to using gnuwin32 is unxutils which includes wget.

Chris Chilvers

Posted 2009-08-19T11:40:48.510

Reputation: 227

you can manage with unxutils but it's old, it uses an old version of wget. gnuwin32 is the thing to use. not quite as convenient to install and not as easy to find things, but it has much more than unxutils too. – barlop – 2011-10-05T19:31:33.397


If you need a visual Post for Windows, here is one.
You can post data or files with it.


Posted 2009-08-19T11:40:48.510

Reputation: 1 749