How can I find which file system hooks are installed on a windows XP pro machine?


I've a suspect that a program I installed (spideroak) didn't completely removed itself on uninstall. How can I check if there are still file system hooks installed?


Probably spideroak wasn't the problem. For some reasons git-cheetah shell extension got enabled on my PC and was interferring with stderr (I've GIT but it's not even in the path... I've a special batch file to add it that I use when working with GIT repos).


Posted 2011-01-29T12:01:19.413

Reputation: 135

Install spideroak again, then use Revo uninstaller to completely uninstall the program....

– Moab – 2011-01-29T15:32:39.037



Autoruns and ShellExView are the standard tools to get rid of hooks that are left behind.

Watch out what you disable though...

Tamara Wijsman

Posted 2011-01-29T12:01:19.413

Reputation: 54 163

1Thanks. ShellExView did show what was the problematic extension (git-cheetah)... I don't know however if this was the result of installing spireoak as I found no reference about it on their forums – 6502 – 2011-01-29T18:30:00.387


It may be worth doing what Moab said in the comments. However, if you truly do want to view system hooks, you can do this with InjectedDLL.

Matthieu Cartier

Posted 2011-01-29T12:01:19.413

Reputation: 3 422