Why does my computer hesitate to turn on?


I just built my first computer, but every time I hit the power button everything goes on like it was starting up, then everything turns off for about 3 seconds, and then it turns on and stays on. Is this just something my motherboard does, or is this an error that puts my computer at risk when I turn it on?

  • Asus P8P67 Deluxe
  • Intel Core i7 2600K Sandy Bridge 3.4 GHz
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570
  • Cooler Master 690
  • 500 GB SATA
  • 800W Power supply
  • RAM

Arthur Skirvin

Posted 2011-01-28T08:38:38.493

Reputation: 507

For me it did this only once and after each time I set the BIOS settings. Usually when the computers stay out after turning on, there's a short circuit somewhere. But it goes back on, so I don't really know an answer to this. – sinni800 – 2011-01-28T08:57:19.647

It get's worse if you get random reboots like I had, most likely caused by my PSU not being powerful enough. – Ivo Flipse – 2011-02-02T08:02:23.367



This is normal, I have 2 different types and manufacturer of motherboard in my computer room that do this (Intel server S5000XVN & Asus P5-Q). I think it's part of a safe power on process.


Posted 2011-01-28T08:38:38.493

Reputation: 4 747

1Especiall if it's the fans turning up after the CMOS beep - modern motherboards usually perform a fan test at startup for the user to make sure they're all working. – Tobias Plutat – 2011-01-28T10:18:20.263

indeed, same behaviour here. If the fans dont spin up it'll (hopefully) power down before damage occurs. – Sirex – 2011-01-28T10:56:12.587

That's a relief. Still annoying, though. Thanks everyone! – Arthur Skirvin – 2011-01-28T19:05:13.417