win xp - change permissions and not require a restart?


In Win XP, is it possible to change permissions on a network share, and not require a restart?

I don't mean, a case where one doesn't need a restart, though if there are cases where one does and cases where one doesn't , then that's interesting to know which.. But i'd rather a way where whatever the change in permissions, no restart is necessary.


Posted 2010-11-10T16:47:11.483

Reputation: 18 677



Changing NTFS or share permissions on XP should generally not prompt for a restart. The only exception I can think of is due to a service being stopped.(unless I'm misunderstanding the question)

Jeff F.

Posted 2010-11-10T16:47:11.483

Reputation: 4 293

even if it doesn't prompt for a restart, it might require one. some changes do. How about the following A)Changing between SFS and AFS B)enabling or disabling Guest. C)changing any permission on a file share. Do none of these require a restart? – barlop – 2010-11-10T17:16:26.347

2@barlop None of these require a restart. – Sathyajith Bhat – 2010-11-10T17:55:53.983

@Sathya I have had a problem though recently where it wouldn't accept my user/pass. I could access one share but not my admin share. I might've then changed permissions a bit. Still didn't work. I restarted both computers, then it was fine. I thought that'd suggest that the restart fixed it.. any ideas? – barlop – 2010-11-10T18:05:33.633

0 has an outline of what you can do with file sharing on XP. None of which require a restart. I can tell you changing permissions on a file share do not require a restart.


Posted 2010-11-10T16:47:11.483

Reputation: 8 643

The functions I describe are not available in XP? Which functions do you mean? – barlop – 2010-11-10T17:41:46.970

I was under the Impression NFS shares could only be setup on server versions of windows but after double checking I was wrong. – Supercereal – 2010-11-10T19:08:46.393