Trying to fit 1024x768 VMWare viewport into 1024x600's netbooks display.
Neither the options of allowing VMWare to scale the picture or to set a mythical resolution like 1003x533 for guest, nor using VMWare's window scrollbars are appreciated.
Instead, a no-scrollbars window of 1100x768 and a virtual resolution of ~1280x800 is wanted; X scrolling worked fine for me years ago.
generates a physical bounds for display; how to set a software bounds for a screen?
Cool! I did it but how to do it as default screen resolution? I'm using Slax... – kokbira – 2012-04-12T02:28:11.420
@kokbira, I've been playing with Slax alot.. you have two ways. 1) make a module which contains xorg.conf at proper path and put it to base/ directory - this will affect even 'boot to RAM' fresh configuration 2) if you have changes written to disk, just edit the config, Slax should not overwrite it – kagali-san – 2012-04-14T20:36:54.187
@kokbira, I've found even better thing to do, try this:
xrandr --output LVDS1 --rotate normal --scale 1.41x1.41
and get a software resolution scaling (not to mention that VMWare had its own software scaler which allowed me to fit a whole QXGA VM to netbook's screen first). – kagali-san – 2012-04-14T20:37:30.177interesting, @kagali-san! i'll test these days. thanks – kokbira – 2012-04-18T05:14:51.480