Xorg, how to make display resolution larger than physical?



Trying to fit 1024x768 VMWare viewport into 1024x600's netbooks display.

Neither the options of allowing VMWare to scale the picture or to set a mythical resolution like 1003x533 for guest, nor using VMWare's window scrollbars are appreciated.

Instead, a no-scrollbars window of 1100x768 and a virtual resolution of ~1280x800 is wanted; X scrolling worked fine for me years ago.

gtf generates a physical bounds for display; how to set a software bounds for a screen?


Posted 2010-11-05T23:19:23.210

Reputation: 1 404



In short, a decent version of xrandr (xrandr 1.3) is required , and the tune to xorg.conf may look like:

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device     "Card0"
Monitor    "Monitor0"
    SubSection "Display"
    Viewport   0 0
    Modes "1280x1024"
    Depth   24 
    Virtual 1280 1024

So it is needed to extremely upgrade my favorite Slax. I did a gentoo install onto this machine, but still didn't applied this tweak+xmonad layout hack to display dzen2 somewhere below the bottom line; 1024x900 (?) mode for my netbook would be generated with GTF.

If you need this expanded NOW! - comment.


Posted 2010-11-05T23:19:23.210

Reputation: 1 404

Cool! I did it but how to do it as default screen resolution? I'm using Slax... – kokbira – 2012-04-12T02:28:11.420

@kokbira, I've been playing with Slax alot.. you have two ways. 1) make a module which contains xorg.conf at proper path and put it to base/ directory - this will affect even 'boot to RAM' fresh configuration 2) if you have changes written to disk, just edit the config, Slax should not overwrite it – kagali-san – 2012-04-14T20:36:54.187

@kokbira, I've found even better thing to do, try this: xrandr --output LVDS1 --rotate normal --scale 1.41x1.41 and get a software resolution scaling (not to mention that VMWare had its own software scaler which allowed me to fit a whole QXGA VM to netbook's screen first). – kagali-san – 2012-04-14T20:37:30.177

interesting, @kagali-san! i'll test these days. thanks – kokbira – 2012-04-18T05:14:51.480