In a chat session, whenever I want the other person to hear a pre-recorded voice, I need to play it on my speakers and use my microphone to capture it. How can I play MP3 files into the microphone input so that whenever I do a voice chat I could play the MP3 file in such a way that I am speaking through the microphone itself?
Operating system: XP Pro sp3
1Why don't you just send him the mp3? (Why record it twice?) – Rook – 2010-09-18T15:29:02.253
what operating system? – studiohack – 2010-09-18T15:37:00.170
1@Rook I don't want to send it because he may misuse it later. I wanna reduce the likeliness of any risk. – subanki – 2010-09-18T16:30:27.590
@studiohack XP Pro 32 bit SP3 – subanki – 2010-09-18T16:34:55.143
1@subanki - well, he can always misuse it by recording it on his side, right? Could you tell exactly why you're interestd in something like this? It may help understand the problem (which for now sounds - no offence, but it does - like asking for several, all wrong, ways to do something for which a right way exists) – Rook – 2010-09-20T00:56:14.777
@Rook Well I just to play a mp3 file so that others in Second Life could hear it. And by the way sorry for my late response, my university exams are nearing so I don't come online often. – subanki – 2010-09-24T09:01:11.233
@subanki - Oh, think nothing of it. Been there, done that. Good luck with those ;) – Rook – 2010-09-24T11:01:59.030