How do I detach a process from Terminal, entirely?



I use Tilda (drop-down terminal) on Ubuntu as my "command central" - pretty much the way others might use GNOME Do, Quicksilver or Launchy.

However, I'm struggling with how to completely detach a process (e.g. Firefox) from the terminal it's been launched from - i.e. prevent that such a (non-)child process

  • is terminated when closing the originating terminal
  • "pollutes" the originating terminal via STDOUT/STDERR

For example, in order to start Vim in a "proper" terminal window, I have tried a simple script like the following:

exec gnome-terminal -e "vim $@" &> /dev/null &

However, that still causes pollution (also, passing a file name doesn't seem to work).


Posted 2009-03-23T11:59:25.947


Your use case does not describe complete detachment, per se. – jiggunjer – 2016-08-25T17:24:27.977

1That, too, is a good question. I think it's fair to consider Bash a programming language - although indeed the scope of this question is probably more on the sysadmin side... – None – 2009-03-23T12:26:38.597

This is a duplicate of this question

– Dana the Sane – 2009-03-23T13:11:50.423



First of all; once you've started a process, you can background it by first stopping it (hit Ctrl-Z) and then typing bg to let it resume in the background. It's now a "job", and its stdout/stderr/stdin are still connected to your terminal.

You can start a process as backgrounded immediately by appending a "&" to the end of it:

firefox &

To run it in the background silenced, use this:

firefox </dev/null &>/dev/null &

Some additional info:

nohup is a program you can use to run your application with such that its stdout/stderr can be sent to a file instead and such that closing the parent script won't SIGHUP the child. However, you need to have had the foresight to have used it before you started the application. Because of the way nohup works, you can't just apply it to a running process.

disown is a bash builtin that removes a shell job from the shell's job list. What this basically means is that you can't use fg, bg on it anymore, but more importantly, when you close your shell it won't hang or send a SIGHUP to that child anymore. Unlike nohup, disown is used after the process has been launched and backgrounded.

What you can't do, is change the stdout/stderr/stdin of a process after having launched it. At least not from the shell. If you launch your process and tell it that its stdout is your terminal (which is what you do by default), then that process is configured to output to your terminal. Your shell has no business with the processes' FD setup, that's purely something the process itself manages. The process itself can decide whether to close its stdout/stderr/stdin or not, but you can't use your shell to force it to do so.

To manage a background process' output, you have plenty of options from scripts, "nohup" probably being the first to come to mind. But for interactive processes you start but forgot to silence (firefox < /dev/null &>/dev/null &) you can't do much, really.

I recommend you get GNU screen. With screen you can just close your running shell when the process' output becomes a bother and open a new one (^Ac).

Oh, and by the way, don't use "$@" where you're using it.

$@ means, $1, $2, $3 ..., which would turn your command into:

gnome-terminal -e "vim $1" "$2" "$3" ...

That's probably not what you want because -e only takes one argument. Use $1 to show that your script can only handle one argument.

It's really difficult to get multiple arguments working properly in the scenario that you gave (with the gnome-terminal -e) because -e takes only one argument, which is a shell command string. You'd have to encode your arguments into one. The best and most robust, but rather cludgy, way is like so:

gnome-terminal -e "vim $(printf "%q " "$@")"


Posted 2009-03-23T11:59:25.947

Reputation: 3 667

Strange: when I am did «Ctrl-z» in terminal, and next «bg», the process should not anymore relying on terminal. But when I closed the terminal, it was closed too o.O – Hi-Angel – 2014-10-07T09:07:44.167

1@Hi-Angel when you close an interactive bash shell, bash HUPs all active jobs. When you ^Z and bg a process it is still a job, be it a background one. To remove it as a job, use disown, then the process will keep on living after you close the shell since bash won't HUP it anymore. – lhunath – 2014-10-08T12:47:48.530

3Won't using $* instead of $@ fix the problem of the separate strings already? – sjas – 2015-01-28T19:15:05.240

@sjas No! That would make you inject literal data into shell code! It will result in bugs of all sorts depending on what the arguments were and could have destructive effects (never mind that creating arbitrary code execution is very unsafe) – lhunath – 2015-01-29T14:32:08.107

2What you can't do, is change the stdout/stderr/stdin of a process after having launched it. - not exactly true. Use reptyr for this. – Stefan Seidel – 2016-09-23T19:08:20.363

Thanks a lot for this! Sadly I can only accept one answer. I ended up with "nohup $@ &> /dev/null &" and "alias wvim=' gnome-terminal -x vim'" – None – 2009-03-23T21:33:27.113

According to bash man page, &>>/dev/null is sufficient to redirect stderr and stdout. i.e: firefox &>>/dev/null – Suhayb – 2019-07-31T21:53:36.993

23What a fantastically detailed and informative answer. +1 – Teekin – 2011-10-19T16:06:23.533


nohup cmd &

nohup detaches the process completely (daemonizes it)


Posted 2009-03-23T11:59:25.947

Reputation: 2 159

24nohup just ignores the SIGHUP signal. It executes the process normally. No daemonization. – nemo – 2015-03-04T16:29:02.417

1@nemo Which means the process is not detached, but would become detached (and a child of init) if the shell exited... right? – Noldorin – 2016-04-08T00:35:05.703

@Noldorin Yes. Ignoring SIGHUP, which is sent when the shell terminates, will leave the child process running and being relocated to init. – nemo – 2016-04-08T00:58:56.510

@nemo nohup also silences standard in/outs. Follow up with disown to completely detach. – jiggunjer – 2016-08-25T17:22:29.250

disown might help too – aemonge – 2019-06-05T09:40:43.740

In Linux nohup is not enough to disassociate the process from the terminal. Programs list ssh will still know what terminal are you from and ask you -for instance- if you want to add something to the known hosts lists. Other Unixes used to have setpgrp and other tricks to completely remove a process from the termios session. – Guillermo Prandi – 2019-08-15T19:41:48.353

Just to clarify: So nohup cmd &> /dev/null &disown would be the way to go (In case you don't want output in the nohup.out file)? – Steen Schütt – 2019-08-28T13:02:40.367

Sorry about the formatting. Comments are not very good at this... user@host$ nohup mycommand >/dev/null 2>&1 & [1] 9892 nohup: ignoring input and redirecting stderr to stdout user@host$ disown user@host$ – dsm – 2019-09-05T01:51:03.087

5Although succinct is valuable, completeness is more valuable. Although nohup is a GNU coreutil, a bash-only answer (or note about there not being one) would be appropriate here. Good answer nonetheless. – Limited Atonement – 2013-06-06T14:48:06.160


If you are using bash, try disown [jobspec]; see bash(1).

Another approach you can try is at now. If you're not superuser, your permission to use at may be restricted.

Randy Proctor

Posted 2009-03-23T11:59:25.947

Reputation: 1 021

at now Fantastic! – vyom – 2014-08-26T13:00:53.333

1Also, disown doesn't seem to have the desired effect with gnome-terminal--disowned processes are still killed when the terminal exits. I'd love to know why/how. – Kyle Strand – 2016-09-13T23:00:32.020

"disown" don't seem to be an internal bash command (not available on my machine, and I use bash). "nohup", as Ben suggested, might be a much better (and standard) way of doing this. – None – 2009-03-23T12:08:52.167

disown is perfect! Nowadays, it’s available in every bash, and does properly what is needed. As opposed to nohup et al, which do some more things. – Evi1M4chine – 2017-10-14T23:58:44.967

at now trick is clever – Amos – 2018-04-18T07:19:10.393

1never thought of using "at", thanks for the idea! – cadrian – 2012-10-10T15:01:26.720

1at to delegate execution to someone else, I like it! +1 – Ninsuo – 2013-04-12T19:23:28.803

1As a point of reference, this works in zsh as well. – Coderer – 2014-05-28T11:10:17.600


Reading these answers, I was under the initial impression that issuing nohup <command> & would be sufficient. Running zsh in gnome-terminal, I found that nohup <command> & did not prevent my shell from killing child processes on exit. Although nohup is useful, especially with non-interactive shells, it only guarantees this behavior if the child process does not reset its handler for the SIGHUP signal.

In my case, nohup should have prevented hangup signals from reaching the application, but the child application (VMWare Player in this case) was resetting its SIGHUP handler. As a result when the terminal emulator exits, it could still kill your subprocesses. This can only be resolved, to my knowledge, by ensuring that the process is removed from the shell's jobs table. If nohup is overridden with a shell builtin, as is sometimes the case, this may be sufficient, however, in the event that it is not...

disown is a shell builtin in bash, zsh, and ksh93,

<command> &


<command> &; disown

if you prefer one-liners. This has the generally desirable effect of removing the subprocess from the jobs table. This allows you to exit the terminal emulator without accidentally signaling the child process at all. No matter what the SIGHUP handler looks like, this should not kill your child process.

After the disown, the process is still a child of your terminal emulator (play with pstree if you want to watch this in action), but after the terminal emulator exits, you should see it attached to the init process. In other words, everything is as it should be, and as you presumably want it to be.

What to do if your shell does not support disown? I'd strongly advocate switching to one that does, but in the absence of that option, you have a few choices.

  1. screen and tmux can solve this problem, but they are much heavier weight solutions, and I dislike having to run them for such a simple task. They are much more suitable for situations in which you want to maintain a tty, typically on a remote machine.
  2. For many users, it may be desirable to see if your shell supports a capability like zsh's setopt nohup. This can be used to specify that SIGHUP should not be sent to the jobs in the jobs table when the shell exits. You can either apply this just before exiting the shell, or add it to shell configuration like ~/.zshrc if you always want it on.
  3. Find a way to edit the jobs table. I couldn't find a way to do this in tcsh or csh, which is somewhat disturbing.
  4. Write a small C program to fork off and exec(). This is a very poor solution, but the source should only consist of a couple dozen lines. You can then pass commands as commandline arguments to the C program, and thus avoid a process specific entry in the jobs table.

Stephen Rosen

Posted 2009-03-23T11:59:25.947

Reputation: 511


  1. nohup $COMMAND &
  2. $COMMAND & disown
  3. setsid command

I've been using number 2 for a very long time, but number 3 works just as well. Also, disown has a nohup flag of -h, can disown all processes with -a, and can disown all running processes with -ar.

Silencing is accomplished by $COMMAND &>/dev/null.

Hope this helps!

Mr. Minty Fresh

Posted 2009-03-23T11:59:25.947

Reputation: 489

Short and sweet; thanks for this very helpful summary! – Jonathan H – 2019-01-10T10:20:25.823

I can't believe I still get notifications for this post... – Mr. Minty Fresh – 2019-03-21T00:41:08.473


Most simple and only correct answer for bash:

command & disown

You dont have to detach the process from terminal, but from the shell.


Posted 2009-03-23T11:59:25.947

Reputation: 503


in tcsh (and maybe in other shells as well), you can use parentheses to detach the process.

Compare this:

> jobs # shows nothing
> firefox &
> jobs
[1]  + Running                       firefox

To this:

> jobs # shows nothing
> (firefox &)
> jobs # still shows nothing

This removes firefox from the jobs listing, but it is still tied to the terminal; if you logged in to this node via 'ssh', trying to log out will still hang the ssh process.

Nathan Fellman

Posted 2009-03-23T11:59:25.947

Reputation: 8 152


I think screen might solve your problem


Posted 2009-03-23T11:59:25.947



To disassociate tty shell run command through sub-shell for e.g.


When exit used terminal closed but process is still alive.

check -

(sleep 100) & exit

Open other terminal

ps aux | grep sleep

Process is still alive.


Posted 2009-03-23T11:59:25.947

Reputation: 71

This is exactly what I needed. I was attempting to add a console shortcut for sublime text and it works perfectly, here's what I ended up with: ("/opt/Sublime Text 2/sublime_text" $@)& – Ron E – 2013-12-03T21:10:15.840


Backgrounding and foregrounding a job is probably one of the very first things every Unix sys-admin should know.

Here is how it is done with bash:

# suspend process
# background process
# list all backgrounded jobs
# bring it back to foreground


Posted 2009-03-23T11:59:25.947

Reputation: 2 459


You can run your command using the nohup command, this detach your process and redirects outputs to a given file... but I am not sure that is exactly what you need ..


Posted 2009-03-23T11:59:25.947

Reputation: 149

I could swear I had tried nohup before using exec - but apparently not properly, as it does work like this:

nohup gnome-terminal -e "vim $@" &> /dev/null & – None – 2009-03-23T12:30:08.230


Just add this in your bashrc/zshrc:

detach() {
  "$@" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null &; disown

Then you can run disowned commands like this:

detach gedit ~/.zshrc

B. Branchard

Posted 2009-03-23T11:59:25.947

Reputation: 21


Try daemon -- should be available from your friendly package manager and comprehensively take care of every way of disassociating itself from the terminal.


Posted 2009-03-23T11:59:25.947

Reputation: 121


In my .bashrc, I have these functions for precisely that purpose:

function run_disowned() {
    "$@" & disown

function dos() {
    # run_disowned and silenced

    run_disowned "$@" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null

Prefix a command with dos to run it detached from the terminal.

The function is written to work with bash and zsh.


Posted 2009-03-23T11:59:25.947

Reputation: 259

1I am slightly confused as to why this answer uses one function wrapped into another, when its sufficient to just use one function with body like this: ( "$@" & disown) &> /dev/null . It also makes not much sense to use 1> and 2> , because you're using disown, which means you are using bash, and in bash you can just easily do &> to redirect both stdout and stderr – Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy – 2016-08-07T18:53:45.060

I have it as two functions because (1) I think it's easier to read this way, and (2) I need the run_disowned functionality in other places in my dotfiles. You're right about the &> thing, of course. – mic_e – 2016-08-08T07:17:57.217


sudo apt install ucommon-utils

pdetach command

There you go :)


Posted 2009-03-23T11:59:25.947

Reputation: 169


I have found on Mac OS X that I need to use both nohup AND disown to ensure that the child process is not torn down with the terminal.


Posted 2009-03-23T11:59:25.947

Reputation: 121


I use the following script to do this. It stops the process printing to the terminal, detaches with nohup, and exits with the return status if the command finishes within the TIMEOUT.



CMD=( "$@" )
#Could have some shortcuts here, e.g. replace "somefile.c" with "gedit somefile.c"

#use nohup to run the command, suppressing its output and allowing the terminal to be closed
#also send nohup's output to /dev/null, supressing nohup.out
#run nohup in the background so this script doesn't block
#print the command for debugging and to see bash variable expansion
printf "%q " "${CMD[@]}"
nohup "${CMD[@]}" >/dev/null 2>&1 &

#kill this script after a short time, exiting with success status - command is still running
#this is needed as there is no timeout argument for `wait` below
trap "exit 0" SIGINT SIGTERM
sleep $TIMEOUT && kill $MY_PID 2>/dev/null & #ignore "No such process" error if this exits normally

#if the command finishes before the above timeout, everything may be just fine or there could have been an error
#print an error if there was any. most commonly, there was a typo in the command
[ $NOHUP_STATUS != 0 ] && echo "Error: $CMD"
#return the exit status of nohup, whatever it was

Usage example:

>>> run false
Error: false
>>> echo $?
>>> run true
>>> run sleep 10
sleep 10


Posted 2009-03-23T11:59:25.947

Reputation: 1 960


Many answers suggested using nohup. I would rather suggest using pm2. Using pm2 over nohup has many advantages, like keeping the application alive, maintain log files for application and lot more other features. For more detail check this out.

To install pm2 you need to download npm. For Debian based system

sudo apt-get install npm

and for Redhat

sudo yum install npm

Or you can follow these instruction. After installing npm use it to install pm2

npm install pm2@latest -g

Once its done you can start your application by

$ pm2 start app.js              # Start, Daemonize and auto-restart application (Node)
$ pm2 start              # Start, Daemonize and auto-restart application (Python)

For process monitoring use following commands:

$ pm2 list                      # List all processes started with PM2
$ pm2 monit                     # Display memory and cpu usage of each app
$ pm2 show [app-name]           # Show all informations about application

Manage processes using either app name or process id or manage all processes together:

$ pm2 stop     <app_name|id|'all'|json_conf>
$ pm2 restart  <app_name|id|'all'|json_conf>
$ pm2 delete   <app_name|id|'all'|json_conf>

Log files can be found in

$HOME/.pm2/logs #contain all applications logs


Posted 2009-03-23T11:59:25.947

Reputation: 59

1Using a NodeJS application (versus a small and robust command like nohup) in order to control unix processes seems ... really overkill, and to be honest, rather weird. I would use monit if you need the restart functionnality. – Sergio – 2017-05-28T21:56:17.527

@Sergio it's your choice to use depricated application. – haccks – 2017-05-28T22:13:24.957

Several releases have been made this year (one 4 days ago), so i don't see how/why you may think monit is a deprecated application. @see

– Sergio – 2017-06-11T17:31:29.630

I was talking about nohup. – haccks – 2017-06-11T17:39:39.857

1nohup is a plain standard POSIX command, so same remark : no way it is deprecated. @see – Sergio – 2017-06-11T17:49:50.617


If your goal is to simply launch a command line application without keeping the terminal window around, then you might try running the application after launching the terminal with alt-F2.


Posted 2009-03-23T11:59:25.947

Reputation: 1