I've searched for this before, but have never been able to find an answer.
In Windows, if I have a console window open, type winmine
, and press enter, Minesweeper will appear, completely separate from the cmd program. The Minesweeper instance is not tied to the command prompt in any way that I know of, with the exception of Minesweeper's parent being set to that instance of the command prompt. It's different in Linux, however.
In Linux, if I have a console window open, type emacs
and press enter, Emacs will open, but it seems tied to the command line. Specifically, it appears that I can't use the command line anymore until that instance of Emacs is closed. Is there a way to replicate the Windows behavior in Linux?
please give the answer to geekosaur. – Joshua Robison – 2015-09-04T13:30:31.750
in windows7 it's minesweeper.exe here C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Minesweeper so minesweeper.exe won't generally work.. as that directory is not in the path.. And anyhow, you should state windows version – barlop – 2015-11-10T00:15:07.193
dup of:http://superuser.com/questions/178587/detaching-a-process-from-terminal-entirely
– behrooz – 2011-04-25T18:07:35.660