Preview many windows at once @ Win XP


At work, I have to use Citrix to connect to remote desktops "somewhere". Currently I'm using 4 Citrix connections (4 windows) and I have 2 screens.

The thing is have to monitor progress on all 4 Citrix windows, and switching them regular way (clicking task bar or Alt-Tabbing) seems quite ineffective.

I would love to be able to re-size them (shrink) to be able to put all 4 of them on 1 screen side-by-side (kind of grid view). But they have to be "live" - need to see the progress on them. And I don't mean resizing regular way, I need to see the whole desktop, just smaller.

Alternatively, maybe some kind of Alt-Tab replacement (with live preview) would work.

I am limited to Win XP only.

I hope we'll find the solution, what are your ideas?


Posted 2010-08-13T09:51:47.150

Reputation: 597



You could try using mRemote, it seems to allow Citrix connections, although I dont have Citrix library installed to test.

Then open up 4 instances and resize them to suit your screen.


Posted 2010-08-13T09:51:47.150

Reputation: 121

Haven't know it's possible to access Citrix without using Citrix itself [kind of ;)]. Thanks for pointing that out. Is there any faq explaining how to use mRemote with Citrix? – Cornelius – 2010-08-13T11:50:21.400

Ill be honest, I have never had anything to do with Citrix I only see it mentioned that it fails (because i dont have a library installed) when I load up my version of mRemote.

Remote desktop / ssh etc is just a matter of inputting the ip and hitting connect. – Zordey – 2010-08-13T12:47:55.870


Possibly something with an MacOS Exposé like feature would help you.

You can try "Switcher", found here

You can also look for "Exposé for Windows" search results either on SuperUser (like this or on Google) if this functionality is what you look for.


Posted 2010-08-13T09:51:47.150

Reputation: 2 204

Yup, Expose would work :) Switcher, unfortunately, wont work, as it requires Vista or higher. I will take a look at other clones. – Cornelius – 2010-08-13T11:43:27.030

Ah sorry, apparently I only tried that on 7 and Vista then. – private_meta – 2010-08-13T22:24:24.527