How to backup/sync saved game folders between multiple computers


I'm trying to basically sync some saved game files (in this case from Red alert 3) over 2 computers.

So what I would like to happen is when I start my game, a script or batch file searches a network folder (T:\saves) and copies the latest version of the saved game folder to the local machine (c:\users\NAME\Red Alert\Saves).

Once the game/process ends, I would like the script to copy the latest local version to the network location.

I would also like the script to play nicley if the network location isn't available if possible.

Is this kind of thing possible using a batch file or autohotkey perhaps? I thought perhaps even dropbox could prove useful?

All of my computers are running Windows 7


Posted 2010-08-04T10:11:16.953

Reputation: 2 009



I think I've found the easiest way of doing this, by using dropbox and symbolic links:

How to sync backed up games using dropbox

  1. Install dropbox on machines you want to use save games with, make sure it is all up and running ok
  2. Move your saved game folder (eg. c:\users\username\game name\saves) into your dropbox folder (Dropbox\Saved games\game name\saves)
  3. Create a symbolic link from the original save game folder location to your new dropbox saved game location - make sure that the symbolic link folder name is the same as the original folder name

Basically what this will do is create a shortcut, so that when your game looks for its saved game folder, it is actually being redirected to a different location (in this case, the dropbox folder)

Here is a simple app for creating symbolic links: symlinker

alt text

Please note: symbolic links only work in Vista and Windows 7 - not XP

Here is my dropbox referral code for anyone wanting some extra space on dropbox (we both get an extra 250mb free if you use this link): Get dropbox


Posted 2010-08-04T10:11:16.953

Reputation: 2 009

Symlinks are specific to file system, not to OS.

– Ionut Staicu – 2010-08-04T10:58:51.787

Another nice feature of Dropbox is that it will sync directly if the computers are on the same network. Saving you some round-trip time. – Scott – 2010-08-04T15:03:10.150

@Ionut Staicu - "most Unix-like operating systems such as Mac OS X, and also Windows operating systems such as Windows Vista, Windows 7 and to some degree in Windows 2000 and Windows XP."

symbolic links don't work great in XP

@scott - dropbox is indeed awesome! – falter – 2010-08-06T08:27:00.007


Take a look at the freeware Allwaysync: It can be set up to sync on a schedule, on hardware events or on file changes. It's very stable, reliable and runs quietly in the background.


Posted 2010-08-04T10:11:16.953

Reputation: 5 551