Firefox is changing file extensions on downloads


Today I downloaded a .reg file, and Firefox made it a .reg.txt file. I downloaded a .zip file and Firefox made it a .zip.htm file. Both files worked fine when I fixed the extensions. What happened to Firefox? I haven't had this problem before.

Firefox 3.6.6, Windows XP Home SP3 w/all updates.


Posted 2010-07-25T11:39:40.923

Reputation: 21


What content type (MIME) is the server responding? You could examine it with an addon like Live HTTP Headers from

– Andreas – 2010-07-25T12:36:42.847



Personally, I would install 7-zip,

However, if the Windows built in zip component is not working, you can try re-initilising it by going to the command prompt and typing the following commands:

regsvr32 zipfldr.dll

cmd /c assoc .zip=CompressedFolder

William Hilsum

Posted 2010-07-25T11:39:40.923

Reputation: 111 572

1I fixed the zip file by renaming it, and updated the problem description to address the real issue. – robert55 – 2010-07-25T11:53:22.840

Any idea why Firefox is now changing all the extensions on it's downloads? – robert55 – 2010-07-25T14:23:13.683

@robert55 no, I have never seen this. What site are you doing the downloads from and is it only this site or is it any site? – William Hilsum – 2010-07-25T14:34:46.363

Different sites. It's still doing it, with all file types except exe's. It's adding .txt, .htm, or .aspx to everything else. – robert55 – 2010-07-26T12:43:57.793

@Wil: you're not really answering Robert's question. The .reg.txt example indicates that this is a Firefox problem, at least has nothing to do with ZIP. – stevenvh – 2010-08-10T15:44:42.220

@stevenvh - The question was changed after I wrote the answer. – William Hilsum – 2010-08-10T21:04:57.297