XP Pro x64: Program started at boot with automatic logon behave differently after update


I have a program that I wrote in .NET to select games for mame (arcade emulator). This is a frontend. I configured in the registry an automatic logon for the administrator. In the "startup" windows folder, I added a shortcut to my program.

My program then launch at boot time and I can select a game from the menu. The program then spawns a process to execute "mame.exe" with the game I chose. Everything worked fine for several months.

I updated my Windows XP Pro x64 the other day and since then, when I choose a game, the process "mame.exe" is spawned but its frozen (I have to do end task on the spawned mame.exe, the game never starts).

It does it only when I try it immediately after the automatic logon (when the frontend was started by the "startup" folder at boot time) When I start my frontend manually after a boot, everything works fine. I'm suspecting credentials issue when the frontend is started by the system at boot?

There's so many patch installed that I don't know which one to uninstall to return to my previous state.

Any ideas?


Mike Gleason jr Couturier

Posted 2010-07-21T15:41:09.713

Reputation: 133

I don't have an answer, but +1 for mame. Emulation rules! ;) – joeqwerty – 2010-07-22T00:58:46.580

You'll then love my Arcade :) http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1812943&l=c3cca7dfaf&id=734330167

– Mike Gleason jr Couturier – 2010-07-22T14:03:39.017



You can check when they got installed. Delete just the ones which came recently or mentions this. You should also have a System Restore point to roll back.


Posted 2010-07-21T15:41:09.713

Reputation: 14 755

Unfortunately, I've installed something like 80 fixes... I'll check if I have not disabled the system restore. – Mike Gleason jr Couturier – 2010-07-21T18:14:47.397

Well..you should use system update constantly..not just occasionally. :)) – Apache – 2010-07-21T18:19:35.607

Yeah but since it is an Arcade and nothing more, I don't have the habit to update too often lol – Mike Gleason jr Couturier – 2010-07-21T18:33:32.677

Oh.. well if it doesn't have an internet connection nor USB stuff comes in, just leave it as it is and use a rollback application which rolls back everything like it was before the last boot. – Apache – 2010-07-21T18:40:29.993

+1 for the suggestion, I'll try to have an understanding before marking it as the answer.. – Mike Gleason jr Couturier – 2010-07-22T15:16:26.960

What do you mean by that? :) – Apache – 2010-07-22T16:17:10.643

I want to know exactly what is causing the problem lol.. I really think it's a security issue if the system starts the program versus myself. – Mike Gleason jr Couturier – 2010-07-22T17:46:58.463

Hmm in my opinion you should make drive images. There are many good utilities there (guess you can also find some questions here about that) which can make a disk image and restore it using a bootable disk. It'd be perfect for times like these.. right? :) – Apache – 2010-07-22T18:12:18.370

By the way, on Windows, system = you. You = system. Both have admin right by default (only if you didn't use a limited access user). You can also use the "/RunAs" parameter. http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/runas.mspx?mfr=true

– Apache – 2010-07-22T18:13:14.937

Cool thaks for everything – Mike Gleason jr Couturier – 2010-07-22T18:29:43.913

Oh, no problem. Good luck. – Apache – 2010-07-22T19:10:14.987