Is it possible to Remote Desktop to Console 0 of a remote XP SP3 machine using mstsc.exe /admin


Is it possible to Remote Desktop to Console 0 of a remote XP Pro SP3 machine from an XP Pro SP3 machine using mstsc.exe /admin? I am getting " ... maximum terminal connections reached ... " even with the /admin option.

I am starting to think that once the maximum terminal connections are reached on XP Pro SP3 it just won't let anyone remotely connect at all. Is this correct?


Posted 2010-06-27T09:41:28.480

Reputation: 1 060

I have seen this when the connection is lost; after a while you sometimes realise you're on a second connection when there is a "connected" disconnected first connection. I haven't yet had it happen on a truely remote computer where I can't get someone to fix it. – Mark Hurd – 2010-06-27T12:02:31.563

I thought 1 was the maximum RDC to XP and it always takes over console. – hyperslug – 2010-06-27T13:18:57.590

@hyperslug: Not entirely correct. Yes, XP limits you to one active session, but it still has a "fast user switching" feature; if several users are logged in, only one can be on the zeroth winstation. – user1686 – 2010-06-27T21:43:30.527



You are correct in your thinking. You have reached the maximum number of connections like it said.

John 'Shuey' Schuepbach

Posted 2010-06-27T09:41:28.480

Reputation: 88