GNU Screen equivalent for Windows?



Is there such a thing as a terminal multiplexer (i.e. GNU Screen) for the Windows CMD.EXE, or for that matter, is there anything I can use to run a text-only program such as a non-curses python script on Windows XP or Vista in such a way that it can only be detected by using Task Manager, similar programs, or by observing any network traffic that the script generates?


Posted 2010-06-19T12:00:06.157

Reputation: 181

For python scripts, at least, you can rename *.py to *.pyw to prevent it from opening up a window, perfect for daemons and scheduling things to run, and such. – Phoshi – 2010-06-19T12:07:50.973

Just for your information, the particular python script I am using is supposed to start immediately when the computer starts (in Startup, and as ATTRIB +R+H, of course), and it runs constantly until the computer shuts down. – mmirate – 2010-06-19T12:18:46.627

I do something similar for a scheduler I wrote, *.pyw works perfectly. Have to log to a file, though. – Phoshi – 2010-06-19T14:18:54.700



I used a *.pyw with a shortcut pointing to it and the required command-line arguments. It now runs just perfectly and with no console window.


Posted 2010-06-19T12:00:06.157

Reputation: 181

Happy to have been of assistance! – Phoshi – 2010-06-19T16:25:00.827


More general purpose, you can install Cygwin and enjoy the actual screen tool:

enter image description here

Tino Didriksen

Posted 2010-06-19T12:00:06.157

Reputation: 131

@DougHarris: Nevertheless, a very valid answer. – Jinxed – 2017-10-20T15:05:33.707


That's quite a screenshot -- a version of Firefox back when it was called Phoenix (sometime between Sept. 2001 and April 2003 (source). Equally dated Yahoo home page.

– Doug Harris – 2012-03-12T17:18:49.497