Remote Desktop Protocol require high specs device or high bandwidth internet?


As the Cloud/Virtual Computing are increasing popular in IT organization.

Most of the organizations are migrating to a virtual desktop.

My question is:

Does the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) machine require high specs hardware or high bandwidth internet for better performance in browsing destination machine?

From my understanding, one of the reasons we are using RDP is to utilize the performance of the remote machine using the internet the destination machine.

All the processing is done from the destination machine and it is not required to have high-end specs from the browsing device.

It doesn't matter how high-end specs machine you use to RDP destination Machine if you don't have high internet bandwidth, it defeated the purpose.

Would someone help me explain and give an example?

Generally, I do understand that strong internet is the key to this RDP.

Cin Sb Sangpi

Posted 2020-03-01T04:07:13.567

Reputation: 129

You're describing a bottleneck, a restriction in flow of information. Whether the network is the slowest item, or the local machine is the slowest, or the remote machine is slowest, traffic can't move any faster than the slowest item allows. – DrMoishe Pippik – 2020-03-01T04:35:35.210

It totally depends on what the remote machine's purpose is. If you want it to do some computation for you and you just need the end result, you don't even need to look at it while it does the computation. – David Dai – 2020-03-01T06:40:30.440

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