Recursive search for matches in two files



On the second day, I'm trying to find a solution.
There is a CCC directory; we include subdirectories with numbers 1 2 3 ... 500, in each subdirectory there is a file named A1, containing one word (example) apple banana pear pineapple

$ CCC /
/1/A1.txt pear
/2/A1.txt apple
/3/A1.txt banana
/4/A1.txt pineapple

The flash BBB directory contains the ALLIN.txt file containing the following lines:

pear is a very sweet fruit
potatoes are very high in calories
pineapple number 1 for weight loss
raspberries tasty and healthy
everyone likes strawberries !!!

So my question is:
how to find and replace occurrences of the first word in a CCC file from a BBB file so that

$ CCC /
/1/A1.txt pear a very sweet fruit
/4/A1.txt Pineapple No. 1 lose weight

and files

/ 2
/ 3

I had tried:

for i in `find ./ -depth -type d ! -wholename './'`
join -j1 -o <${i}(sort A1.txt) <${i}(sort BBB.txt)


for i in `find ./ -depth -type d ! -wholename './'`
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0];next} ($0 in a)' A1.txt BBB.txt    
perl -lane '$t+=1; $h{$F[0]}=$F[1] if $.==$t; print $F[0]," ",$h{$F[0]} if $t!=$.;$.=0 if eof' $(find -name '*A1.txt')  BBB.txt

I'm still learning Linux, so please, be kind to me.


Posted 2020-02-29T13:28:00.960

Reputation: 1

Your last for-loop seems to be missing a "done". You may like to fix this. – zx485 – 2020-03-01T00:14:36.233

pear is a very sweet fruit and pear a very sweet fruit are two different strings. The same for pineapple number 1 for weight loss and Pineapple No. 1 lose weight. Should they be the same? Or is there another layer of conversion you forgot to mention? – Kamil Maciorowski – 2020-03-01T06:57:21.863

Bash pitfall number 1. – Kamil Maciorowski – 2020-03-01T07:05:10.313

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