Solved - sudo into user instead of root with rundeck


i'm configuring a server for some bioinfo analysis on Centos7 and i installed rundeck. Rundeck seems to launch scripts as its own account name and i decided to use the sudo bypass to make it access my scripts.

using visudo i can make sudo with rundeck change to root having some commands without password. As soon as i put the user bioinfo instead of root, the system asks for a password for the same commands.

here is the part of the sudoers file :

root    ALL=(ALL)       ALL
bioinfo ALL=(ALL)       ALL
rundeck ALL=(bioinfo)      NOPASSWD:/home/bioinfo/singularity_data/Bionano3.5,/usr/local/bin/singularity,/bin/*

i dont know what's different between root and bioinfo as they have the same rights. Would anyone have an idea on what would make it not working with bioinfo when it works fine with root ?

I tried my configuration running as root

su - rundeck

and then doing a

sudo whoami

if root => root
if bioinfo => ask for password

Thank you


Posted 2020-02-18T13:39:28.420

Reputation: 3

as root

-bash-4.2$ which whoami
-bash-4.2$ sudo whoami

as bioinfo

-bash-4.2$ which whoami
-bash-4.2$ sudo whoami

Nous espérons que vous avez reçu de votre administrateur système local les consignes traditionnelles. Généralement, elles se concentrent sur ces trois éléments :

    #1) Respectez la vie privée des autres.
    #2) Réfléchissez avant d'utiliser le clavier.
    #3) De grands pouvoirs confèrent de grandes responsabilités.

[sudo] Mot de passe de rundeck :
 – ul.Duc  – 2020-02-18T14:12:11.050

i did as rundeck switch from ALL to bioinfo in the sudoers file – ul.Duc – 2020-02-18T14:14:52.370

bioinfo has the exact same configuration as root root ALL=(ALL) ALL bioinfo ALL=(ALL) ALL and thus, why it wouldn't ask for root's password too ? – ul.Duc – 2020-02-18T14:23:51.230

i did root ALL=(ALL) ALL bioinfo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL rundeck ALL=(bioinfo) NOPASSWD:/home/bioinfo/singularity_data/Bionano3.5,/usr/local/bin/singularity,/bin/* and the result is the same, sudo whoami asks for a password – ul.Duc – 2020-02-18T14:29:25.797

and bioinfo is in the group wheel too as root – ul.Duc – 2020-02-18T14:30:14.927

done, let's go on the next answer ! – ul.Duc – 2020-02-18T14:38:21.383



For the user bioinfo to be able to run sudo commands without typing in a password you need to modify the bioinfo entry in sudoers to include NOPASSWD:


Please note that doing this allows the user to run any sudo command without having to type the password in.

If the user is a member of a group (%wheel or %users for example) that is also specified in sudoers, the last entry takes precedence - so put this entry underneath.

If you are want one user to be able to run things as another user without needing a password:

rundeck ALL=(bioinfo)      NOPASSWD:/home/bioinfo/singularity_data/Bionano3.5,/usr/local/bin/singularity,/bin/*

then you need to invoke commands in the format sudo -u bioinfo <cmd> otherwise it thinks you're still trying to invoke as root


Posted 2020-02-18T13:39:28.420

Reputation: 359

I did so and nothing seems to have changed. i su - rundeck as root, i end up in a bash as rundeck, i do sudo whoami and it asks for a password – ul.Duc – 2020-02-18T14:35:28.253

so that's why when i put root as sudo for rundeck i have all the rights i see... that's kinda bad for security isn't it ? – ul.Duc – 2020-02-18T14:42:26.283

i have root then %wheel then bioinfo then rundeck, bioinfo has NOPASSWD: ALL and still asks for a password after a su - rundeck as root and then sudo whoami – ul.Duc – 2020-02-18T14:47:10.820

But one thing i dont get is that bioinfo is supposed to be able to do all the commands rundeck will do without using sudo at any time. Why should i set that bioinfo has a need for a NOPASSWD ? – ul.Duc – 2020-02-18T14:53:32.167

you need to run the command as sudo -u bioinfo whoami – Smock – 2020-02-18T14:58:28.617

this seems to work ! but then again the sudoers file only tells what rundeck as the right to use without password ? – ul.Duc – 2020-02-18T15:01:08.873

Dude(if you are a man) you are the BEST ! thank you so much ! – ul.Duc – 2020-02-18T15:02:18.397

Sorry - it took me a while to spot you had (bioinfo) rather than (ALL) in the rundeck sudoers line! – Smock – 2020-02-18T15:03:01.110

Don't be sorry, you helped me so much, my boss, when i told him the solution told me he knew but he didn't think about it... so thank you so much and sorry i dont have enough karma to upvote your answer. – ul.Duc – 2020-02-18T15:22:25.980

That's ok - I like figuring stuff out like this more than getting points. You've marked it as the accepted answer anyway - that's plenty reward enough! – Smock – 2020-02-18T15:46:47.573