How can I copy all OPEN VLC media files into a directory?


Sometimes I'll open six or more random video files using VLC media player. These videos reside in various directories on my hard drive. Is there some way to copy all of these OPEN videos into a new directory, and name that new directory with the current date? Example: 2020-01-09 (year-month-date) I was hoping for a batch file solution, but whatever works! Thanks in advance!

Lucas McCane

Posted 2020-01-09T10:06:46.913

Reputation: 1 – somebadhat – 2020-01-09T14:06:06.593

So. Where you planning create the folder 20-01-20? Would be In ..\user\videos\20-01-20? – It Wasn't Me – 2020-01-20T18:29:02.493



Based on the extension, use this:

@echo off
For /f "Tokens=2,3,4" %%a in ('date /t') do set d=%%a & set m=%%b & set y=%%c
md "%y%-%m%-%d%"
xcopy "Full path\*.extensionofvlcmediafiles" "%y%-%m%-%d%"

Wasif Hasan

Posted 2020-01-09T10:06:46.913

Reputation: 827