Problems with UUIDs for harddrives in Windows 7


I try to restore a VHD of an old drive to a new HD on my Windows 7 machine but it fails and harddrive UUIDs seems to be one likely culprit.

First I made a backup of the internal HD. That drive had one regular partition and one "hidden" recovery partition. The resulting file names are

8636f210-eaf0-11e1-a213-806e6f6e6963.vhd (regular)

d99026d8-2984-11e9-94da-78dd08c13672.vhd (recovery)

After performing a fresh install from DVD on the new drive I run diskpart to view the UUIDs for all connected drives. Weirdly enough, they all (four drives, C-F, although only three drives are connect, internal HD, old HD connected externally and the DVD-drive) had almost the same UUID, f69103XX-1d41-11ea-8b43-806e6f6e6963, only the two characters marked as XX differer between the drives.

Finally, when I boot the computer from the install DVD, in a dialogue, in the restore drive from image-wizard, it suggest that the target drive should be d99026d8-2984-11e9 (I don't have the rest of the letters in front of me but it must be the same UUID as the recovery VHD).

This confuses me, doesn't diskpart return the same "kind of" UUID as the backup/recovery utility uses? And aren't UUIDs static - that is, the UUID for a drive is constant and never changes?


Posted 2019-12-17T23:50:05.507

Reputation: 392

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