Is there a way to start the Slack app with a maximised window but still run in the background?



I want to have the Slack desktop application run at startup in the background as it normally does with the Launch app on login settings. However this always results in a small sized window when I open slack up by clicking on it's icon afterwards. What I want is the app to open up with a maximised window.

The best solution I've found so far is disabling the Launch app on login setting and putting a shortcut to slack in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup and changing the Run option from Normal window to Maximised. But this also starts Slack fully visible on startup, I still want it to run in the background on startup.

I've tried running a .bat file with task scheduler but I can't figure out what to write in it.

Do anyone know if this is possible somehow? Are there any command-line arguments that I can add to the shortcut? Is there some Windows option that I don't know of?

All help is appreciated!


Posted 2019-12-06T09:59:06.093

Reputation: 31



It seems to me a question similar to that one, anyway, take a look at this option

@echo off && setlocal enabledelayedexpansion && mode 50,03 && title ...\Slack Desktop

set "_Slack=%userprofile%\AppData\Local\slack\slack.exe"
set "_run=%SystemRoot%\System32\CScript.exe" 
set "_vbs=%temp%\ActivFull.vbs" && call type nul >"!_vbs!" 
start "Slack Desktop" /max /realtime "!_Slack" 

set "_run="!_run!" "!_vbs!" //nologo" && set "_pp=%windir%\system32\pathping"
set "_run_it=^>nul del /q /f "!_vbs!" ^& endlocal^&^& exit /b" && >"!_vbs!" (
          echo/ Set objShell=WScript.CreateObject^("WScript.Shell"^)
          echo/ objShell.AppActivate "* | Slack"
          echo/ objShell.SendKeys ^("%% "^)
          echo/ WScript.Sleep 00000000150
          echo/ objShell.SendKeys ^("x"^)
          )&& >nul (!_pp!.exe 127.1 -q 1 -p 1500 && >nul !_run! &&!_end_it! )

It Wasn't Me

Posted 2019-12-06T09:59:06.093

Reputation: 851