Where are my public / private GPG keys and how to share them (on Mac OS)?


I am using Mac OS with GnuPG (installed via Brew).

I run:

gpg --gen-key

enter my name and email address then it said that it generated a key pair.

Now, I have no idea where are the keys and how can I share the public key to my partner so they can encrypt their data. Then, afterwards how could I decrypt the data with my private key?

Please help.

Many thanks.


Posted 2019-12-03T06:29:09.563

Reputation: 123

Look at first line of the output of gpg --list-keys command. And for exporting your public key you can look at the example at page: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/4/html/Step_by_Step_Guide/s1-gnupg-export.html

– FedonKadifeli – 2019-12-03T09:24:50.370

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