Tag: gnupg

107 How to manage GPG keys across multiple systems? 2012-08-25T23:55:13.083

88 Are GnuPG 1 and GnuPG 2 compatible with each other? 2013-10-06T23:23:27.770

80 How to force GPG to use console-mode pinentry to prompt for passwords? 2012-12-18T12:21:14.750

75 One GnuPG/PGP key pair, two emails? 2011-06-05T15:35:32.577

72 Are GPG and SSH keys interchangable? 2011-11-23T00:03:34.583

69 How can I restart gpg-agent? 2016-05-11T00:08:39.827

60 What is better for GPG keys - RSA or DSA? 2009-07-26T13:39:44.760

56 Keep GnuPG credentials cached for entire user session 2013-07-26T00:05:17.177

51 Short, easy to understand explanation of GPG/PGP for nontechnical people? 2009-07-31T03:28:56.780

49 How do I symmetrically encrypt a file using gpg? 2011-11-07T20:55:25.810

47 Best encryption and signing algorithm for GnuPG: RSA/RSA or DSA/Elgamal? 2013-01-24T13:33:03.600

46 Clean up my gnupg keyring? 2013-05-10T23:15:30.047

45 How do I fix "WARNING: message was not integrity protected" when using GPG symmetrical encryption? 2013-08-19T14:22:16.660

42 How to make GnuPG display full 8-byte/64-bit key ID? 2013-07-12T21:20:27.177

35 How to work around blocked outbound hkp port for apt keys 2009-11-03T10:35:01.853

31 Does GNU GPG compress by default? 2012-05-22T04:05:32.980

29 How can I forward a gpg key via ssh-agent? 2010-07-10T02:05:09.527

27 What are the correct permissions for the .gnupg enclosing folder? gpg: WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file 2015-08-10T01:30:40.877

25 What is a OpenPGP/GnuPG key ID? 2014-06-16T14:22:29.347

25 How do you safely backup a GPG private key? 2016-08-07T18:55:29.687

22 Why does GPG/PGP by default use different keys for signing/encryption? 2013-08-15T16:48:00.713

22 Human-readable dump of gpg public key 2014-01-04T14:16:13.757

22 How to specify private key when decrypting a file using GnuPG? 2015-05-28T15:10:16.357

21 Getting information from an armored gpg public key file 2010-08-08T12:36:02.990

21 How can I send gpg encrypted mail automatically from the linux command line? 2010-09-14T12:28:27.700

21 How does S/MIME differ from PGP/GPG, for the purpose of signing and/or encrypting email? 2011-04-22T14:02:24.557

21 Are files encrypted with gpg compatible with pgp? 2012-01-16T05:42:52.060

21 Un-revoke PGP key 2013-06-16T17:58:03.160

21 Is it safe to store (encrypted) passwords on GitHub? 2015-10-02T15:06:49.907

21 gpg2: no secret key 2016-08-12T05:40:34.823

20 How to set gpg2 as default implementation of gpg on debian? 2014-06-04T21:34:05.670

19 How to create additional gpg keyring 2012-03-12T21:52:16.223

19 GPG - verifying signatures without creating trust chain? 2013-09-02T10:20:14.030

18 how to install gpg on cygwin? currently it's missing 2016-08-21T01:06:15.510

17 gpg with gpg-agent never asks for passphrase 2014-04-08T17:10:37.677

16 How to have a different pass phrase for a gpg subkey? 2015-02-19T14:40:21.230

16 What do 'ssb' and 'sec' mean in gpg's output? 2018-10-29T21:20:20.767

15 What's the best way of keeping a PGP private key file generated by GnuPG? 2011-06-06T01:19:36.233

15 What file extensions should be used on GPG generated output? 2014-09-20T16:03:25.917

15 GnuPG / OpenGPG: Recovering public key from private key 2014-09-20T19:26:38.657

15 Use gpg2 as gpg replacement OSX 2015-03-08T20:35:55.927

14 gpg: WARNING: message was not integrity protected 2009-08-13T00:52:00.583

14 Is there an encrypted write-only file system for Linux? 2010-04-21T12:15:39.437

14 How to force gpg2 to use expired key? 2010-07-24T01:08:09.940

14 How to delete a subkey on Linux in GnuPG? 2016-10-06T20:10:04.983

13 What is a GPG with "authenticate" capability used for? 2012-02-15T16:33:02.337

13 Do PGP private key blocks "contain" the public key as well? 2012-06-09T11:23:52.767

13 Why is gpg --list-keys sometimes printing subkeys, sometimes not? 2014-11-04T09:59:33.577

13 gpg2 asking for passphrase when importing secret keys 2016-10-17T13:14:11.130

12 Is it possible to add a recipient to an already encrypted file in GPG? 2012-01-20T08:44:13.837

12 Is there a gpg-agent for cygwin? 2013-08-07T08:12:48.933

11 How to delete gpg secret keys by force, without fingerprint? 2010-08-11T09:08:49.063

11 How to use gpg and SSH together? 2012-01-16T03:54:28.057

11 PGP (GnuPG) - what was the original filename? 2012-12-24T08:12:14.837

11 force gpg-agent to forget password 2013-04-24T08:15:30.990

11 How to use GnuPG with --passphrase? 2015-09-12T21:24:23.280

10 How can I add my picture to my public key using GnuPG? 2011-07-13T14:34:58.770

10 Unable to send pgp key to keyserver 2014-09-23T16:28:13.200

10 Linux "pass" utility for multiple users 2015-10-19T07:21:17.677

10 Enigmail cannot communicate with gpg-agent 2016-02-26T17:47:31.227

9 How to convert key pair from binary file to text file? 2010-07-21T10:14:50.183

9 saving and searching encrypted mail 2010-12-24T01:49:50.883

9 Is it possible to find a sender's Public PGP (GPG) key from an encoded message? 2011-04-16T01:41:50.077

9 Using ssh key pair to encrypt files 2012-02-08T04:26:42.803

9 Using GnuPG and its daemon gpg-agent 2013-05-31T19:26:48.990

9 How are detached signatures used to verify a file's integrity and authenticity? 2014-10-09T02:45:34.480

9 gpg-agent is not requested in git calls 2015-01-24T23:22:41.067

9 How long would it take to break a 1024 bit OpenPGP encrypted email? 2015-02-22T13:03:39.733

9 Verify that a GPG-encrypted file is signed by particular user(s) 2015-05-15T01:28:48.077

9 How to use gpg --gen-key in a script? 2015-11-20T23:15:38.557

9 New .gnupg directory: Import old secret keys into new install 2016-06-26T12:54:54.313

9 Is it a good idea to GPG sign old git commits? 2016-11-11T18:12:50.017

9 PGP file decryption from Linux cmd line 2017-04-06T16:06:38.567

8 Storing GnuPG folder in Dropbox 2010-09-14T01:30:57.000

8 Encrypting to standard output with gnupg 2012-03-08T00:59:04.883

8 how to verify the trust path to a gpg key? 2012-10-28T16:39:48.547

8 How can I export public key in PEM format with GnuPG? 2013-04-08T10:48:31.530

8 How can I use GnuPG with ECDSA keys? 2013-07-23T09:50:44.847

8 Embed a GPG Signature in a PDF File 2013-10-02T07:52:12.140

8 How do I display the usage flags for my encryption keys in a less hackish way? 2014-10-29T20:12:28.093

8 How do I prevent Enigmail from encrypting my email, even when encryption is turned off? 2015-09-13T04:10:43.013

8 How to list trust level of OpenPGP public keys in GnuPG? 2016-09-16T15:31:34.213

8 Echo asterisks/passphrase as it's being typed in gnupg with tty pinentry 2017-01-12T16:12:55.137

8 How to resolve the error: gpg: bad data signature from key: Wrong key usage (0x19, 0x2) 2018-07-23T22:02:38.443

7 Integrate GnuPG with Outlook 2009-11-28T08:37:34.570

7 Email client for Linux which can store GPG messages decrypted 2012-06-10T11:52:30.323

7 How can I export public keys in PEM format with GnuPG? 2012-06-11T15:20:46.420

7 Encrypt file using PGP/GPG having multiple recipients 2014-01-15T09:54:01.630

7 In GnuPG, how do I set an absolute date for expiry on my key? 2014-03-14T12:06:44.557

7 How to ASCII-armor my public key without installing GPG? 2014-06-06T13:34:24.170

7 gpg --list-keys output after deleting secret key 2015-02-18T13:44:11.060

7 How to prevent gpg-agent from timing out during passphrase collection? 2017-01-29T09:52:31.600

7 OSX: gpg command error, dyld: Library not loaded: 2018-02-17T16:33:18.043

6 Aptitude Untrusted source, gpg, keyserver 2010-06-10T12:26:07.327

6 Can I add an expiration-date to my existing GPG-key? 2010-12-17T23:09:12.347

6 How can I disable prompt about trust when encrypting file with gpg in emacs 2011-12-08T17:30:09.803

6 if one doesn't care about protecting a gpg secret key, is it still as secure as using gpg --symmetric? 2012-07-06T10:48:29.027

6 Script to verify a signature with GPG 2012-11-01T19:34:17.957

6 Making Mutt GPG encrypt emails saved as drafts 2013-04-06T12:43:35.597