Conditional Formatting a column based on specific condition on other column?


Given:I have table shown below

| A | Total | % A |
| 2 | 5     | 40% |
| 4 | 19    | 22% |
| 3 | 10    | 30% |
| 1 | 8     | 13% |
| 1 | 3     | 34% |

And I want to conditional format column % A:

Highest Percentage as Green and Lowest Percentage as Red

But condition is column Total must be greater than or equal to 4 (i.e. >=4) to be considered as particular row to be used for conditional formatting.

For an Example:

In above table I want to perform conditional formatting for only those row in % A whose Total column is (i.e. >=4)

Considering table something like this

| A | Total | % A |
| 2 | 5     | 40% |
| 4 | 19    | 22% |
| 3 | 10    | 30% |
| 1 | 8     | 13% |

And Now I want to do conditional formatting.

I tried filtering but this formatting those cell also whose Table column is less than < 4.

Thank you for your time and consideration

Maqsud Inamdar

Posted 2019-11-28T08:42:30.767

Reputation: 71

Please be specific all about the criteria,, what i got is,, Highest value as Green and Lowest as Red,, could you elaborate ,,But condition is column Total must be greater than or equal to 4 (i.e. >=4) to be considered as particular row to be used for conditional formatting.? – Rajesh S – 2019-11-28T08:48:08.910

Hey @RajeshS I want to look for only those row whose Total is (>=4) and then I want to perform conditional formating on those cell on column % A – Maqsud Inamdar – 2019-11-28T08:50:41.693



enter image description here

How it works:

  • Formula for Highest Value:

enter image description here

  • Formula for Lowest Value:

enter image description here

  • Adjust cell references in the formula as needed.

Rajesh S

Posted 2019-11-28T08:42:30.767

Reputation: 6 800

I tried: Conditional formatting > New rules (From Drop down) > Use a formula to determine which cells to format. Type the formula but still not working – Maqsud Inamdar – 2019-11-28T11:12:02.453

@MaqsudInamdar,, I've used the sample data provoded by you,, and uploaded the Screen Shot along with the formula I've used,, Y still is not working difficult to rule out,, better [Edit] your post and upload link of the file to workout or load on any cloud !! – Rajesh S – 2019-11-29T03:29:11.560