Pass parameters to Windows Terminal?


Currently I am using MinTTY for my Cygwin terminal needs. Lacking a tabbed interface, I am looking to move to "Windows Terminal", which is currently distributed as a Store app on Windows 10.

The Windows Terminal can be invoked as wt.exe, but this just opens a new window. What I want to achieve is to open

  1. a new tab
  2. in a specified directory
  3. with a specified shell.

A use case would be for instance to open a new tab in the location of the current File Explorer window. For MinTTY and Cygwin's bash I have achieved this with the registry entry

@="Cygwin &bash here (mintty)"
@="C:\\cygwin\\bin\\mintty C:\\cygwin\\bin\\bash -lc \"cd '%V' || cd $(dirname '%V'); bash -i\""

I am essentially looking for an equivalent of the command C:\cygwin\bin\mintty ARGS ....

I am using similar patterns from within AutoHotkey for starting cmd.exe and mintty.exe with bash in the directory of the currently opened document in various programs through Autohotkey.

I am aware, that Autohotkey can probably be used to achieve the behavior I want. However, a clear command line interface for the windows terminal would be the cleaner solution.


Posted 2019-11-25T22:39:45.767

Reputation: 1 076



At the moment Windows Terminal doesn't support command line parameters. We need to wait until the below issues are closed


Posted 2019-11-25T22:39:45.767

Reputation: 14 930