Remote Assistance working but not Remote Desktop - both machines are XP Pro


I have Remote Assistance working but not Remote Desktop.

XP Firewall has exceptions for both Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop. Remote Desktop is allowed in System Properties - Remote.

What could be the problem?


Posted 2010-06-07T13:13:55.063

Reputation: 1 060




  • is the account having administrator right?
  • is the account having a password set?

to further clarify your question,

  • can you connect to the logon screen?
  • what is the error message?


Posted 2010-06-07T13:13:55.063

Reputation: 9 283

I don't even get a login screen. Just a message saying that the connections was disconnected. – CJ7 – 2010-06-08T08:27:36.913

Understood. Then check: (1) Can you ping the machine? (2) Can you connect to the port? (i.e. is the port in the remote computer open to you? use utilities such as nmap (google nmap).)

Here, (1) If you can connect to the port, but unable to connect --> protocol problem. - then check RDP version, client setting, server setting e.g. is there forced encryption? (2) If you can't even connect, check firewall(s) in between. some ISP blocks RDP. – bubu – 2010-06-08T15:37:48.247

remote assistance works between the 2 machines – CJ7 – 2010-06-09T06:06:26.163


Things to try:

  • Verify that RDP is the same level on both machines.
  • Set the display's Hardware acceleration to None.
  • Update the display drivers to the latest versions (from the manufacturer's site).


Posted 2010-06-07T13:13:55.063

Reputation: 306 093

What do you mean by "same level"? I can get Remote Assistance working so the firewalls are not blocking that port. – CJ7 – 2010-06-07T14:09:25.373

@Craig Johnston: I mean that the RDP software is same version, although that's a somewhat long shot. As a remark: it wouldn't hurt to reinstall the RDP client, even if same version. I also erased the unsuitable port suggestion. – harrymc – 2010-06-07T14:35:29.137


Make sure that Remote Desktop is enabled (it's a separate checkbox from Remote Assistance) and make sure that your version of windows includes Remote desktop - Home version does not, but Professional does.

Darth Android

Posted 2010-06-07T13:13:55.063

Reputation: 35 133

As stated in the question, both machines are XP Pro. – CJ7 – 2010-06-08T05:04:44.890