Cannot connect to sftp server by public IP



I'm trying to configure SFTP server on my laptop with freeSSHd and freeFTPd. I have no problem to connect by private IP address (tested with WinSCP). The problem comes when I'm trying to connect by public IP - message is "Searching for host" and then after few seconds "Network error. Timeout".

  • I configure router's port forwarding on port 22 to my local IP with TCP protocol
  • SFTP server is running (Listen address: myprivateIP, port: 22)
  • SSH server is running (Listen address: myprivateIP, port: 22)
  • I set inbound rule in firewall on port 22
  • I tried turn off firewall for test
  • I have static IP on my laptop

What could be the reason of no connection by public address? Thanks for help.


Posted 2019-10-18T08:21:28.023

Reputation: 1

Search this site for "NAT loopback" or "hairpin NAT". For example

– user1686 – 2019-10-18T09:04:07.950

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