Cannot connect to remote desktop that has been idle for a while


I am trying to connect to a laptop that is connected to the same LAN via WiFi from a desktop that is connected via ethernet. It usually works but connection fails the laptop has been idle for some time. My workaround is to disconnect and reconnect to the wifi on the laptop.

Is there some configuration I can do on the laptop or perhaps the router that would make the remote desktop services on the laptop always respond? I am connecting to the computer name. ipv6 is disabled on the network adapters. Both machines are running Windows 10.


Posted 2019-10-18T07:29:02.597

Reputation: 337



Turn off sleep mode in windows on the remote connect pc or turn on wake on lan.

How to:

  • Windows key + X
  • Select device manager
  • expand Network adapter

enter image description here

  • Then select the Power Management tab and check off all three boxes shown below. enter image description here

  • Next, select the Advanced tab, scroll down in the Property box and select Wake on Magic Packet and ensure that it is enabled in the Value list box then click OK.

enter image description here

You may also need to configure wake on Lan or Wake on wlan in your router for the specific mac address if this still does not work


Posted 2019-10-18T07:29:02.597

Reputation: 321