Easiest way to have just 2 networks for a small guest house



I have a very small guest house. I want to allow guests to watch netflix on hard wired smart TV's I am scared that if the TV's are on my home network then they will have access to my computer and personal info. What is the easiest way to have 2 networks. I'm thinking maybe two routers one subnetting off the other or a special Vlan switch? I am not very technical and just want a simple cost effective solution, Can any body advise. I thank you for your your time and effort in this regard regards, David


Posted 2019-10-11T07:49:29.260

Reputation: 41

Can be done with two cheap home routers, but you need to know quite a bit about networking and installing Open Firmware etc., so it's probably not an option. I don't know any non-technical "it just works" pre-made solution. – dirkt – 2019-10-11T08:12:26.040



The easiest way is to make two different networks in one intranetwork. For example, R1 assign for /24 and R2 assign for /24 (those are default gateways). Then a chosen router for netflix assign for certain DHCP pool as you would like to. After that, remove DHCP from the router for your own usage and assign IP addresses manually (specify the default gateway of the chosen router with no DHCP accordingly). No one won't be able to reach the separated networks coexisting in one. Don't forget to connect routers' LAN interfaces together to provide the channel for both networks. I hope it will be suitable for you, sir

Alexander Larionov

Posted 2019-10-11T07:49:29.260

Reputation: 31