The dns-sd -B command leads to unreachable devices with IPv4 disabled



I am using Bonjour service in Windows to find my devices. The Windows command line is to browse services using the following command:

    dns-sd -B

I am facing an issue with the value of Interface index ("if") i get in DNSServiceBrowseReply. When I have enabled both IPv4 and IPv6, the value seems a valid interface index (in my case its "7"). But when I disable IPv4 from the network adapter settings then I see a strange number "10000007". I use this index number to reach my devices. The number seems wrong to me as in PowerShell i can still see index number is 7 for adapter. but dns-sd -B command is giving number "10000007"

Any advises.


Posted 2019-09-26T08:06:57.400

Reputation: 1

Welcome the StackExchange. You could improve your question in th ways (this will probably lead to better and more helpfull answers): 1. ask a concrete question. "Any advises" is too broad. You could for example ask: "How do I browse Bonjour services with only IPv6 enabled?". 2. It would be very helpfull if you could add part of your command/PowerShell session with the part of the output in the question. Please us 4 spaces (or the {} button) to mark it as code - this helps in readability. – agtoever – 2019-09-26T10:55:43.750

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