Wifi2 and Wifi 2 adaptors and 2 profiles which adapter belongs to which connection


I have an HP Laptop 15-bs0xx. I have 2 Wifi Adapters. One onboard Realtek Wifi and another external USB Dlink Wifi. Below are screenshots. You can see both wifi connections in drop down.Wifi and Wifi2 When I click on Wifi --> Properties a Window opens which shows me this is Dlink Wifi adaptor screenshotwifi dlink

When I click on Wifi2 --> Properties a Window opens which shows this is Realtek Wifi Adaptor screenshot.enter image description here So from these settings I infer Wifi-->Dlink Wifi2-->Realtek

But when I view things from Settings-->Network and Internet--->Wifi System->Network and Internet->Wifi view here in this image you can see it shows 2 wifi and when I click on Wifi properties then I get view that Wifi2 it is DLink adapter. enter image description here and Wifi is Realtek enter image description here So from these settings I infer Wifi2-->Dlink Wifi-->Realtek

and here is the output of netsh show wlan interfaces command netsh show wlan interfaces output so netsh command results are Wifi2-->Dlink Wifi-->Realtek

where as when I click on bottorn right hand corner of Windows where time is shown then the Wifi icon there shows Wifi-->Dlink Wifi2-->Realtek

So when is Wifi--> Dlink and Wifi2-->Dlink and when is Wifi2->Realtek and Wifi-->Realtek why are the views coming in different in different applications of Windows 10? Why windows is some times telling that Wifi-->Dlink and in some other tabs it is telling Wifi-->Realtek similarly it tells Wifi2-->Dlink and Wifi2-->Realtek. Why is it coming this way and when I can connect with Dlink USB wifi adaptor and when can I connect with Realtek adaptor. All these screenshots were taken with both Wifi adaptors present in system.

political science

Posted 2019-09-15T10:14:56.247

Reputation: 223

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