Excel Line chart X-axis does not display the right date/time


I am trying to plot a line chart in Excel , the x-axis is changing the year value significantly and I cannot figure out why.

It is taking my data from 2017 and adding over 100 years to it. For the life of my I cannot figure out why.

This is data I manually type in as time M/DD/YY 13:00, the same thing happens when I format the data to year. I am very good with Excel and VBA editor, but this one I cannot figure out.



Posted 2019-08-22T11:03:25.847

Reputation: 21

Is it your intention to add all the values for the same dates? Or plot all rows seperately? if the latter, just switch the setting to Text Axis – JvdV – 2019-08-22T11:47:03.143

If you can post the source file about this problem, it will be more helpful. – Lee – 2019-08-23T09:33:22.753

I don't know why the dates are 100+ years off. Are the Y values plotted in the proper sequence? Also, do you realize that Excel ignores the time part of the date-time in a line chart? It would be helpful to see the data and chart, though we all understand confidentiality. – Jon Peltier – 2019-09-08T03:21:26.777

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