How do I reach the modem settings page from inside firewall (load balancing 2 wan)


Here's what I did to achieve the desired result:

On the IP's modem 1: Modem 2: On pfSense:

I assigned 2 new OTP interfaces on the same physical network card used on WAN 1 & 2 Enable this interface and give it an IP address on the same subnet (ie, & Create a new NAT outbound rule associated with this interface, with source and destination Create a new NAT outbound rule associated with this interface, with source and destination

Now I can access the modem interface on modem 1 & 2. Problem appears when I config load balance multiwan. At Firewall / Rules / LAN: if I choose Default gateway: Default. I can access modem 1 & 2. if I choose Default gateway: MultiWAN. I can't access modem 1 & 2. enter image description here

Please help me fix it. And I have other question: How can I use 1 WAN nic for multi pppoe account on pfsense? Example: I have 2 pppoe account from same ISP but I want to use only wan nic on pfsense.

Jin Do

Posted 2019-08-21T17:46:07.247

Reputation: 1

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