I am a web developer trying to have an issue resolved that I believe is either hardware or networking issue, but all sides of communication indicate they have checked what they need to, yet it still has not been resolved.
We have a connection setup using AnyConnect on Computer A. Company B provides profile for AnyConnect. Company A turns on Cisco AnyConnect on Computer A and is assigned ip Company A sends a request to Company B. Company B receives request. Company B sends a response to service on, which is Company A's service on Computer A. However, Company B gets endpoint doesn't exist and can't connect to remote computer.
Pinging from Computer A results in General Failure.
Company A says they see traceroutes from wireshark to Computer A from Company B.
Company C is working just fine, however, Company C uses the old Cisco VPN Client. Pinging assigned IP address results in reply messages. (EDIT) Company C is also connected via Company B's old domain.
Firewalls/Antivirus on Computer A have been turned off.
Company B provided Network Firewall rules, which mainly looked to be outgoing rules.
(EDIT) Using AnyConnect with same credentials on other machines outside Company A network results in the same "General Failure" Ping.
(EDIT) Capture of request and response from Company B VPN/FW appliance shows that request goes through, but response back to Computer A results in Resets.
(EDIT) Route prints from Computer A show there could be differences between Company C and Company A. These have been sent to Company B to review.
Any help would be appreciated, and I can provide more information where possible. Could this be related to split-tunneling? What areas could I have them check?
Hey, thanks for the response. I will go through the information and pass on to relevant parties. I appreciate your time, and will get back with you once we have gone through the information. – jmcclure – 2019-07-30T12:36:08.740
Hey, waiting on Company B to be available to do a route print from there side, but I have added some additional information to the post. – jmcclure – 2019-08-01T16:39:40.677