Connect to sub-domain on remote desktop


I've got a django project augmented with tenants on remote PC and is run in Docker container and Nginx container serves to it. I've created some clients called test and radar , so on remote desktop I can connect to them through test.localhost and radar.localhost, but I can't do the same thing from my PC, e.g. typing in radar (radar is an alias of remote desktop in my PC's /etc/hosts file) from my machine raises 404 error - no such tenants. But trying to connect with test.radar it just can't find anything. So, basically what do I need is when accessing just radar from my PC, I want remote desktop response me just like it does when it request test.localhost.


Posted 2019-07-29T08:41:15.970

Reputation: 1



Well, the truth is Chrome doesn't recognize test.localhost which is rewritten in my /etc/hosts file. As I understood, Chrome treats all URLs where localhost part is surrounded with dots as regular localhost URL. I could access remote desktop with Firefox. Kinda strange I'd say.


Posted 2019-07-29T08:41:15.970

Reputation: 1