Google sheet | Conditional formatting | How to omit wildcard characters ?*


I was willing to create a conditional formatting that looks for ? signs in fields. By default it functions as a wildcard character however. (As a replacement for "any" characters)

How to use it as true ? or * or ...

Ádám Bukovinszki

Posted 2019-07-29T07:17:14.300

Reputation: 13



I have found the answer in here:

For the question and asterisk characters not to be perceived as wildcard characters in your text values, a tilde (~) is usually added before them. E.g. the text rule that contains "Re?" in our example formats the cells with "Red", while the rule with "Re~?" won't find any cells as it will be looking for the value "Re?".

Ádám Bukovinszki

Posted 2019-07-29T07:17:14.300

Reputation: 13